a few days ago I wrote of my devastation over my boyfriend, whom I consider the great love of my life breaking up with me. I was devastated but I knew it wasn't the last time I would be seeing my love. It actually baffled me as to how this breakup happened I just had to believe that the Universe knew what it was doing.Β
Fast forward HOURS, I'm talking the exact same day, I received a text saying that my BOYFRIEND was miserable without me, I am the one and he doesn't want to be in a part-time relationship and wants to be around me all the time! Guys, ask, believe and receive. In this case I asked that he come to his senses quickly and profess his love for me. It works every single time! Β Currently looking at places to plan my wedding (my next manifestation).Β
have a great day!Β
Wow I guess you're in alignment! Good job.