Is it a good thing or a bad thing ? I am just caught up with my schedule so bad that I am not getting time to visualize, is it gonna affect things in a bad way in long term ?
Me too.
I actually want to do them visualizations, but time just seem to fly by.
Is this a bad thing? Will the universe think "he's over it and apparently don't want her back, so I'll give her to someone else".
The max what I do is, when I get few seconds free outta my schedule, I just think she's beside and I speak to her. But meditation is important too, I don't get time to do that. Maybe you can visualize and talk to your ex when you get time like how I do.
Visualisation isn't a mandatory thing. It's the thoughts and the feelings behind the thoughts that are the important things. The visualisation itself couldn't exist without the thought behind it. As long as your thoughts support the idea of being with your boyfriend/girlfriend without resistance you're good to go.
It doesn't matter just as long as you know what you want and you're feeling good but really visualizing doesn't have to be long. You can visualize what you want for 5 minutes before you go to bed, plus visualizing shouldn't feel like a chore because then you're not aligned with what you want and your desires won't manifest.
jensherratt wrote:
It doesn't matter just as long as you know what you want and you're feeling good but really visualizing doesn't have to be long. You can visualize what you want for 5 minutes before you go to bed, plus visualizing shouldn't feel like a chore because then you're not aligned with what you want and your desires won't manifest.
This is so true, when I use to RS/visualize it would feel like a chore. Now it feels so good and relaxing lol
I think paradoxically you can REALLY want to visualise - not as in it being a chore - but fall asleep anyway because you're exhausted! That's happened to me a number of times!
So it means it's pretty normal right. You guys are the best. I am on the right track hell yes !! Thank you so much. ❤️
@prettyflamingo, but then did you face any ups and doen prior to that ?