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Hello, friends, >I'm kinda new to this forum, but I've found that helping others is something I really like, so I've decided to add my two cents for all of your journeys.
Just as I did myself, I see that most people dive into LOA right away to get a specific person back and nothing else. There's a problem though, most people will find this very hard to do because there will be too much backward energy working inside of us.
BACKWARD ENERGY (according to me) equals your limiting beliefs (negative thoughts about yourself) plus your fears (doubts, anger, and other negative feelings about your desire).
Such backward energy will block the pathway to your desires and may even bring forward the complete opposite of what you want, so if you're not in a good place in your life, please stop trying to bring someone to you.
Manifest yourself back first.
I'm making this post about clearing your limiting beliefs. The sooner you believe something is possible, the better you will feel about your desires, and the easier they will come into your life.
After a breakup, it is very common to feel unworthy, unlovable, inferior, and so on. Have you worked on this issues? If not, here's the best exercise I've found to do it (from Shakti Gawain's book "Creative Visualization")
1) Get yourself a manifesting journal and follow this exercise two times a day
2) Get into a relaxed, joyful state. You can listen to your favorite music to reach this state.
3) Write a series of affirmations (10 to 20 times) about what you want in present tense and in firts, second, and third person
For example:
I, Lolo, I'm worthy of being loved by the girl of my dreams
You, Lolo, are worthy of being loved as the girl of my dreams
He, Lolo, is worthy of being loved by the girl of my dreams
As we all know that self-love and gratitude is the fuel of attraction, I believe the most effective affirmation should be something as follows
I, Lolo, have a beautiful relationship with X person and she loves me as much as I love myself
You, Lolo, have a beautiful relationship with X person and she loves you as much as you love yourself
He, Lolo, has a beautiful relationship with X person and she loves him as much as he loves himself
4) As you write your affirmations, you may hear a negative thought in your inner chatter. For example, when you write "I, Lolo, am naturally attractive and X person is naturally in love with me", your inner mind might say "I am not attractive". That's the point of this exercise: write your negative though on the back of the page, write each negative though on the back of the page and leave space in between each of them.
5) After you finish writing your 10-20 affirmations, go to the back of the page and reflect on what you wrote. Now, under each negative thought, write a new affirmation that overwrites it.
Example: If you wrote "I am unworthy of being loved"
You write bellow: "I am worthy of everything I desire because I love myself"
6) After you finish writing your new affirmations, write on the top of the back page something as follows: "I release and forgive these negative beliefs. Thank you for the expansion". Take a deep breath, and realize you're, bit by bit, cleaning up your inner world
7) Enjoy your new life in complete trust of your manifesting process
I hope it helps
Much love
I enjoyed reading this. Very useful.
Do the affirmations have to be the same? Or i write many different affirmations?
it is more effective if you write the same affirmation 10 to 20 times per sessions, but you can do this two times per day, and each time you can choose one single different affirmation in whatever topic you think you have some resistance
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