Hi there
I hope you all are well. So recently I've been feeling a strong urge to just hug my ex and hold him. It's strange because whenever I try to do remote seduction, My vision of him is his hugging me and crying. I keep trying to find something happy to do when doing remote seduction but my mind can only see that we are together and I'm holding him and he's crying. That feels amazing to me, and I don't know why. Because all the stories on here are about happy feelings. But I cannot tap into that n make it believable. Have any of you felt like this. I'm so confused because this feeling of us just together n his crying on my chest makes me happy. Not in a manipulative but in a sort of healing way. Is that good ?
The urge is so strong because maybe he wants you to hug him too. He's thinking about you hugging him and maybe he misses you.
Thank you so much I needed this. I love your story by the way and all your posts, so i was pleasantly surprised you answered my question. Thanks again. He has been so cold to me. Its been a month since I've seen him, and I really want to get back with him. I just don't see how it will happen, but I'm hopeful.