There is one problem. You said, "But in my case I don't think my ex will be back to me. I sadly believe that is over forever". Stop thinking that. If you have to listen to subliminals on YouTube on how to get your vibration up and retrain your subconscious, do it. There are ones that you can listen to while you sleep. You can't manifest with that way of thinking.
I am completly down guys. I have to confess you that even there's been a long time I do not get feel better with myself. I got it just during specific moments but I do not get how to overcome my breakup.
It's been two months and a half since my soulmate, my life, my happiness, my everything, my little girl...the love of my life, left me. I do not know how to accept it. I do not want to. I want another chance with her. The last and the better one. But it does not come.
Nowadays, there is not still any progress between us.
Even worse, she blocked me on whatsapp three weeks ago cause I begged her and pressured at her.Because she was cold and had a cruel behaviour whith me saying that she will never come back with me and she does not want to talk, she thinks I am obssesed with her...she does not trust me anymore...She is happier now... reading her replys I got upset, hurt painfull and I could not stand that pain and firstly, I blocked her. She did not do it with me. But after a couple of days, I unblocked her but then I realized that she did blocked me.
The thing is that I have moments when I think positive. I see all Veronica's videos, Agnes, and everything about LOA and I believe I can make her back with me and that we will come back together and we'll be happy forever...But when I see her everyday at work and she ignores me, also she seems happier than ever and she has moved on...I feel down again and I think LOA is not working and that maybe I am liying myself pretending something that is over and lost and I am like a fool, waiting for her, when probably she will never be with me again... Because I cheated on her and she has realized she has never loved me...
The thing is that during those depressing moments, I've been keep on asking fortune tellers to read me the tarot for knowing what is happenig and most of all, what is going to happen with my ex.
Someone maybe could consider it such as a stupid thing or like I have not faith in myself. And all that it is true. I understand if you consider that. But please, undersrand me, I need comprenhesion not judgements.
If I were high and confident with myself, LOA and my mind power and if I had a blind faith and feeling that I will get to be with my love again, trust me, I would not post that.
The main point is that I've realized that after been asking too many of different fortune tellers I am surprised that the majority of them concide even being different psyshics and without I did not explin anything... but also I am confussed. Totally stuck and lost.
The readings and predictions condition my emotions, thoughts and feelings and they are like a wonderfull hope or a knife which hurts me and make me feel more hopelees (if it is possible).
I am worst than ever.
Most of the fortune tellers have told me she is still in love with me and we will be back together soon like girlfriends and we will be happy together and forever. They all say it's written by destiny.
The majority of them, coincide in telling me she is alone without any new love or flirt (You know what I mean), but other days (when I asked some of them who I talked to other times or not just new ones-I did it to compare different predictions-... They tell me that my love has already a flirt or has had sex with someone else...(That is one of my biggest fears...In fact, is that I have the feeling-just the feeling- that she is dating/starting falling in love with someone else-).
The majority of the psyshics coincided in despite everything and all the problems, we will come back. (I desired it like the most in my life...I assure it to you guys but really I do not believe it cause my love said to me she will never come back with me and because of her behaviour ignoring me...I also believe that because all the problems and mostly seeing her actual behaviour. Not only but also cause I am saying to you, I have the "paranormal", weird and deep feeling inside of my soul that she likes somone or she is dating someone else.
I feel like come back together is impossible cause all is messed up and horrible! (For me, of course. She seems content and full of joy and life. Better than ever).
The majority of the fortune tellers have told me we will come back together in this summer, in June. Others, have told me it won't happen until Winter comes...Others told me that we will never come back again. Others that we will only will have an aproachment for talking about what happened between us just like friends but we won't be back like a love couple.
Ones told me she is suffering because our breakup, she stills misses me and loves me. Others fortune tellers told me she feels reliave and she is happier than ever also that she just loves me like a friend but she is not falling in love with me...Others told me she had sex with someone else...others told me that she is alone and did not have sex or flirting with anyone cause she is not interesting in anyone else but just for me...
What a mess!
I'm going crazy. I do not know if those readings and predictions are "normal" cause during the days go on, all changes...And maybe everything is true or just some things...I dont know what should I believe. What is the true present and whst will happen is a short future between or what is going on!!!
I'm getting crazy and I do not know what to think.
(Obviously you will advice me to stop asking psychics)
I feel like as more detailed questions I do and as more fortune tellers I consult, the more confused I get. Even the majority assure me we will come back but the details are different and because others said to me I should move on, overcoming it, forget her..That I'll end up with another person...
The only real thing nowadays is that my love ignores me. She does not talk to me. I am still block on whatssap. She has moved on and seems happier than ever. And I'm broken and lost.
Even if I try to stay positive and think of I will get her back, I constantly will go down again when I see her behaviour ignoring me and she looks happy and I listen to all the fortune's tellers predictions.
What should I believe!? I am lost than ever. I am feeling sooo bad today and just right now.
I can't stand imagine my love making love with someone else or being in love with another person...also imagining my life without her and thinking about I will never be with her againg...All that,kills me.
What is the truth?
If my vibration is low and I honestly believe it is impossible we will come back, why all different fortune tellers all coincide in that will we get back together!?
But why depending on the day or week I ask them say to me different detailgs or things but the main prediction "we will come back together" is the majority of the times,the same?
Why others told me something completly different-she does not love me, she is great, we will never get back together, she is dating with someone...etc?
What is going to happen finally?
Are just all these predictions my fears, my destiny or just "potential futures"? I learned it from Aaron Doughty and meta physic.
Despite of all, really Can I make her back even all is lost and impossible?
How Can I change my vibration when as much I visualized, act as if, feeling happy, having faith that I'm making her back to me I see her at work ignoring me and she is full of joy and happier than ever?
Sorry guys if I am tiresomw and foe the long message. I did not know how to express my chsos and confussion.
I am gratefull if you have read me and mostly, understand me.
I really aprecciate your opinions, advices or whatever you can make to guide me.
I need your help more than ever.
Thank you sooooo much.
I've had 10 psychics tell me I won't get back with my ex and someone else will be in my life. But, why do I wanna waste time to get to know another? I want this one in my life. Plus make things work. We have a child time to make things work and become better for us.
This is only an opinion but I believe physics pick up on your vibration at the time so that's why you sometimes get the negative readings.
There seems to be a lot of resistance here, which is fine we're human but from where you're at vibrationally you're not going to get the best results. You really have to start focusing on making yourself happy and not relying on the words of those around you. You get back what you put out so if you worry about the doom and gloom aspect that's what's going to come back.
You need to start putting your own needs first. This isn't about the person, it's about you.
Just thought I'd add to this again, time itself isn't exactly a straight line. Every action you take can pretty much alter the direction of it and it branches off into another timeline then. In my opinion anyway. I could tell you that you'll see me at 10 am tomorrow walking down the street and I'd stop and talk to you. On the day you could leave late, we'd not cross paths and I struck up a conversation with a different person instead. I believe psychics can be real but they read vibrations and nothing is set in stone.
Staceylouuu91x wrote:
Just thought I'd add to this again, time itself isn't exactly a straight line. Every action you take can pretty much alter the direction of it and it branches off into another timeline then. In my opinion anyway. I could tell you that you'll see me at 10 am tomorrow walking down the street and I'd stop and talk to you. On the day you could leave late, we'd not cross paths and I struck up a conversation with a different person instead. I believe psychics can be real but they read vibrations and nothing is set in stone.
This is a good analogy. Like Sliding Doors!
There are different types of psychics. Which i learned during my addiction to psychics.
Some are good at current energy, some are good a reading people, a few are good at short term predictions, and then a few are good at long term (greater outcome predictions)
I only read with one every few months. I take it with a grain of salt and continue to live life and see what happens with my love and i. Im open to that relationship still but im not chasing it. I still want it but im not gonna die without it. I still love her but im not gonna beg for her. Im gonna have faith that some day we come together and work this thing out. Until then im living life and focused on me.