You don't need a miracle. You need to give up this crazy **** and focus on yourself. That's the only thing you can do, if you don't enjoy suffering. If you enjoy it, keep doing what you are doing.
Of course I do not enjoy suffering!!! I am having the worst time of my life. And I do not want to feel like that.
So, you advice me I have to forget her and move on, don't you?
Thank you anyway but I need comprenhension and empathy. Not someone to tell me "give it up".
My close people tell me that but if I write here is becaude I consider that I'll be understood and all people who are going through the same can get me.
I do not want to give up my porpuse of getting her back and being together in a love relationship.
I need inspiring advices to deal with my sotuation at work with her and about how Can I make her back taking in consoderation all the doubts what I asked for.
Thank you
I never said that you should give up on her, I said you should give up what you are doing (which obviously doesn't work, else she hadn't broken up with you in the first place). But if you would do a little research, you would see that people who obsess about their person never get them back. So why not learning from their experience instead of repeating the same crap they did? I wish I had done that in the beginning. Had been definitely the best for me.
And to answer all your other questions: "Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters" as Bashar puts it. But it isn't enough to give your attention to the first part of the statement. You have to be willing to change yourself, else nothing will happen.
I already gave you all the advice you need. I don't see where you applied any of this - doesn't really motivate to give you more nice and helpful advice, you know? Do you think it serves you, when you ask the same questions over and over again until people tell you what you want to hear? Yeah, I can do that too: "Just sit and wait, she will come around for sure. Maybe now you feel like crap, but when she is back, you will feel so much better". Does such advice help? NO, of course not, because it's nonsense - doesn't work that way. Face it: If you aren't willing you change, if you aren't willing to focus on yourself FOR yourself and not in order to get her back, if you aren't willing to stop complaining and analysing, nothing will bring her back and you will be miserable until you decide to drop her and focus on you and THEN you give her a chance to come back. The longer you take to accept that, the harder it gets and the longer it takes. Over and out.
You don't have to give up on the person, you just need to start focusing on yourself in the meantime and not on getting the old relationship back. That relationship didn't work out for whatever reason so why not work on a clean slate and a new relationship with the person instead? After you're in a good place and feel happy within yourself obviously.
It sucks that you're hurting and everyone here has been through it, we're just speaking from a LOA viewpoint and in this current situation you're hurting too much to manifest something that'll benefit you.Β
The best advice I can honestly give you is take some time to focus on you and find inner happiness. You don't need her to be happy, you have been happy and lived your life before her, right? Once you're 100% in yourself that's when you should start applying these things, you'll be in the best place to do so and it'll all fall into place.Β