Hey guys, I listened to Abraham Hicks yesterday.
She said that all we need in order to get what we want are 30 days of good feelings to get anything we want. Well that includes getting back our love.
I know that it is not our job to focus on the "how"
I wanted to Start This thread to just ponder on this statement how things could change for our exes.
In my case, she right now prefers to be alone, she is not necessarily not interested in me. I know that she is attracted to me.
So now let us ponder what could happen on her side during these 30 days of mine feeling happy. How could my happyness change her attitude she has right Now?
Everybody is welcomed to write down their own circumstances and others can make suggestions on how things will change on their exes side.
This will surely boost our confidence.
So lets do it!!!
Abraham also say that you have to believe it and what you want to do here is the opposite of believing. Doubt is a low vibration. You can't look at something you want and doubt and be happy. That just doesn't work.
I know, you got me wrong here. I just wanted to ponder on this. I know that one does not have to worry about the hows. I am just curious about What The loa could put in the way of our exes to make them change their attitude towards US and the current situation
Honestly. I wouldn't wonder any of this. A LOT can happen in 30 days Everyone is different, but me personally, I know doing a 30 day thing is kind of hard. A deadline can put way too much pressure on you
Rob wrote:
I know, you got me wrong here. I just wanted to ponder on this. I know that one does not have to worry about the hows. I am just curious about What The loa could put in the way of our exes to make them change their attitude towards US and the current situation
I read between the lines. If I am wrong, okay, but I hope you know that your vibration doesn't lie. You can't hide your true intentions vibrationally.
Rob wrote:
I know, you got me wrong here. I just wanted to ponder on this. I know that one does not have to worry about the hows. I am just curious about What The loa could put in the way of our exes to make them change their attitude towards US and the current situation
I honestly wouldn't worry about how LOA can make a person change their view on you. It'll just get confusing. The how's and the why's aren't for us to worry about. I did manifest contact with a guy I was into a month after he left but because I started worrying and doubting everything he left again a month later. These 30 day challenges should be to get your life back on track with lack of a better word, although things can manifest in that time frame, natrually. Just make sure it's good.