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5/02/2017 6:03 pm  #1

Manifestation success!

My home city's football team is Swansea City and there are a few players I'm incredibly fond of. One, in particular, has played for the team for many, many years and I love that loyalty. Β I was thinking about a week or so ago it'd be nice to have a signed photo of him as a keepsake because he won't be playing for the team forever obviously. Now, I'm too afraid of crowds to sit in the stadium and I wouldn't be confident enough to approach him if I saw him, maybe one day.Β 

With LOA I know there's always another way, so I had a nose on eBay and saw a few signed photos but something didn't feel right about buying them so I just clicked off eBay and went on with my day. I opened Facebook later in the day and saw someone on my friend's list who also supports the team doing one of those "like this and I'll pick a random winner competition" the prize? A signed photo of the player I'm fond of. So of course, I liked the photo. Didn't think about it after that because if that didn't work out there'll always be another way after all. A few days passed and I'd not really thought about the photo because I'd been doing other great things, I woke up one morning and had a notification from the guy on Facebook who messaged me and told me I'd won the signed photo. I received it a few days ago.

Pardon the awful scribbling, just wanted to keep his name private. Not being attached to the outcome makes things happen so fast!Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 

5/02/2017 7:36 pm  #2

Re: Manifestation success!

YUS Stacey I love this! You know I did that with a pair of jeans today, some tops and a dinner being paid for me today. I was walking around with a friend and I said I really want a pair of high waisted jeans that wasn't too expensive and was a perfect fit. I said it was super hard to buy a pair that was a reasonable price. Not gonna lie straight after I said it I found 2 pairs from a store I rarely walked into, both perfect fit but one was cheaper than the other. Strangely enough the cheaper pair was better fitted , softer material and better style. Then after I ended up bagging 4 tops and was amazed at how everything came to just Β£40. Last time I brought a pair of jeans it was exactly Β£40, so I managed to buy more with the same amount of money this time. Later on in my evening I was wondering how it'd be nice if someone brought me dinner since I had spent so much money shopping today... not gonna lie, I went out to eat after my dance lesson and my man decided to buy me dinner out of the blue. Wasn't attached to any outcome today, was just going around saying stuff I wished I had and all landed in my lap simultaneously :')Β 

I thank the universe for everything.

5/02/2017 11:42 pm  #3

Re: Manifestation success!

It's amazing how fast things work out if you're not clinging to it. Onto the next one now.Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 
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