Dear YesIwill,
Sometimes something happen and I start to freakin out. OMG, what does it mean bla bla
Then, after some time (maybe through chat with friend or mum) I realise that it's not bad at all.Β
For example, I saw my guy and I though that he is going to bump on me but he just turn on the other side. Then I saw him on his office terrace watching me. But I was ssoooooooo disappointed because he change his direction and didn't bump on me. And then my friend said-But he was staring at you from terrace!
So, don't panic right away (take a breathe) and you know what. I'm a mum, too. One day maybe I won't like someone who is with my son but if he loves her I have just one way to go- to accept. Don't worry about the mum ;)Β
YesIWILL wrote:
Avaelle wrote:
YesIWILL wrote:
So the mother who dislikes me wants to see how I am doing to tell her daughter.... what exactly?
I don't think I'm understanding hahaHow you're doing. LOLΒ Just think of it as her spying on you, if that helps.Β Just make sure that she has nothing negative to report back.
I doubt that's the case, however,it certainly helps to think of it that way. I remember one time, when I bought her flowers and she said she didn't want them and to give them to my mom- about the time she said she lost interest in me - things she did showed it too, so do I just ignore the obvious fact that she lost interest in me? I can really try.
I'm doing better thank you!
Who do you think enjoys Christmas time more: the children that believe in the jolly ole man or the children that doubt Santa and have relieved themselves of participating?Β Which adults do you think are more excited at Christmas time: the ones that keep the Christmas spirit alive and spread love or the ones that grump about being ready for the "crap" to be over?
I picked this example because I think it's a solid display of the power of the mind and what a difference a thought can make in your day and life!
I think your end goal should be to get to your happy place. It's not about dissecting and rationalizing the most logical reason the mom is coming to your place of employment.Β It's about going with the belief of why she's coming that makes you feel good and happy. Don't counter and dispute the positive thoughts, do that with the negative ones.
When I was a kid,Β It reached a point where I would have my doubts about Santa's existence. Mainly, I would have other kids telling me that he wasn't.Β Β I fought for what I believed in and made me happy.
This should help you.Β But,Β my main point is that you should use the positive thoughts to start to feel better. It doesn't matter what's true because really, your mind doesn't have to know what's real
Thanks guys.
I'm gonna try really hard to stay positive. Some days are just a bit more challenging than others. Work, home, bed, work, hole, bed, etc. doesn't exactly put me in the best mindset haha!
But i really am trying hard. It's difficult when you see your situation as impossible.
But I'll be "assuming" her mother is spying on me because my girl asked her too and is curious about me- I think it's the best way to look at it, no matter how true, or untrue, it may be.
Last edited by YesIWILL (4/05/2017 8:40 am)
Work, home, bed is the daily life most of us have!
YesIWILL wrote:
Thanks guys.
But i really am trying hard. It's difficult when you see your situation as impossible.
I'm going to post dialogue from Star Wars. Hopefully, you'll understand.
Luke: "You want the impossible. I don't... I don't believe it!"
Yoda: "That is why you fail."
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help!
Today's been a down day, really struggling with this, but trying hard to keep the hope up.
YesIWILL wrote:
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help!
Today's been a down day, really struggling with this, but trying hard to keep the hope up.
How do you do that? Try hard to keep hope up? What steps etc to make yourself feel better?
I'm really curious...RR33, what exactly is your LoA "strategy"? How do you apply the things you've learned?
I don't want to read too much into what you say
But just going over your posts sometimes, I see wayyyy more "today has been a down day". Or "I'm really struggling today". Than. "Today has been a great day". "Things aren't how I want them to be, but I'm still happy"
I mean. I understand it's impossible to be happy 24/7 365 days Even the most positive people have down days.
But. I feel, you should try not posting as much. What would you do if for some reason the internet was shut down for a month and you couldn't get advice ? I feel, you rely way too much on others to pick you up out of your bad moments
The best thing that happened to me. Was when I took a break from the forum and started thinking how I'm gonna pull myself out of this
You need so much more belief. And I could be wrong, but I think most of us are running out of things to say. You have to make a choice.
Either you believe. And you make yourself happy(though you'll still have bad times, I mean we are human) and things just happen naturally.
Or. You don't believe If you don't believe. You have the choice of just giving up. Or you keep going around circles until. You either start understanding or you find a new girl But. Going around these circles is pointless, you may have improved. But you take 2 steps forward and then you take 6 steps back
It's time to pick a side. You either have strong belief. Or you don't. If you pick option 2. You can either. Start seriously working on gaining that belief or you stop wasting your time
If you truly don't believe you can get her back, why are you on here wasting your time? I really hope that you aren't on here a year from now still stuck in the same spot, but unless if you start making changes, that's where you will be
It's sad. You might be confident and love yourself in other aspects of life. You might be happy with other things. But this one thing has stronger meaning to you than all the other things your confident about/love about yourself and enjoy. It basically cancels each other out, cause you place so much value on this
Like, you could end up becoming a millionaire and inventing something that others adore, but if you never got your girl back, I kind of feel like you'd think you're a failure
There's a lot of people like that, they can be GREAT at what they do, but because one thing didn't go right. They aren't happy
Colonel Roosevelt wrote:
I'm really curious...RR33, what exactly is your LoA "strategy"? How do you apply the things you've learned?
I always wondered this as well tbh if I was him. I would spend the time I spend on this forum and use it on visualizing my end goal or things I enjoy
Last edited by Dan2015 (4/05/2017 6:19 pm)