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4/05/2017 8:14 am  #1

Questions about fortune tellers

Hi family! Has anyone ask to fortune tellers about your ex?

How was your experience?

Did they say you right/true things and guessed what finally happened with your ex?

I have to confess that because of my pain and anxiety about my love left me I did in too many times.

To compare during a while I asked to 8 different fortune tellers.
Curiously, 6 of them have coindiced totally in their predictions. Aal of those 6,  told me THE SAME about my ex their predictions, about my current situation and those 6 ALL gave me the same dates when is supposed she is going to come back to me. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

All of them did told me she is still in love with me even she is also mad at me but and the end, we will get back together and will be happy forever!

For my surprise, previously, I did not explain them ANYTHING about my story and situation. I just made questions.

Anyway they all told me true thing about our relationship that nobody else knows.

The other two, told me she does not love me, he hates me,she has moved on and we will never come back together as a couple. And they both also coincided in how is the situation just right now, how is she, how am i, what I did, what happened...

To tell you the truth, I beleive more those two woman (who said me that all is over) cause that is what I'm feeling and seeing about how my behaves with me and what she told me.

The fact is that I honestly think and feel that our love relationship is broken forever, she has moved on and even I'm looking foward to get her back, that's impossible and we will never be togegher again (Obviously that is not what I want to...).

So I'm so confussed!

Is quite strange 6 DIFFERENT fortune tellers "read me the tarot" and all of them said and predicted me exactly the same things,and told me the same date when she will be back with me, and the other two both did also coincided in ther predictions.รฑ but negativly.

So what predictions are right? Wha should I believe...?

Are fotune tellers related to my thoughts or with LOA?

Do they really guess the future or our destiny?

Can I get my ex back?

I'd love to read your experiences and whatever that can help me!

Thank you so much!

Last edited by Miniongirl (4/05/2017 9:46 am)


4/05/2017 9:59 am  #2

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

One thing i can say is do not hold a psychic to a timeline. It will just crush you more if does not happen in the exact timeframe!

Take the readings with a grain of salt and live life.
I understand your pain and looking for guidance in a psychic reading but also rely on yourself.

My favorite one does not give timelines unless he can surely see it. But he mostly predicts the greater outcome of the situation. Expecially in love relationships. However i take it the with grain of salt and continue to live my life. And when my girl comes back we will take it from there.


4/05/2017 10:45 am  #3

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

I've admitted to using them.  After my experience,  I do believe that some people are able to predict the future accurately.  I don't let what they say make or break me. I do find it good to have a peek at how I'm doing though.

The Universe is your playground.

4/05/2017 12:12 pm  #4

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

I know I've asked, but I'd like to get others opinions too, while we're on the subject.

A psychic I went to (note, I was REALLY low, just after a HUGE fight when she told me she'd never be with me) - the psychic said there is 100% zero chance of her coming back, she's lost all interest completely, and that FOR SURE, she's not coming back and there's NO chance that she will - well, if anything is possible, why would she give me such an absolute NO? She made it very clear too that there's absolutely no wiggle room. Do I listen to her? She made me feel pretty bad, and the scary thing is she got so much right about my siblings and people I've asked about without me saying anything.

I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that I can change this. I know the answer I'll get, I guess maybe I'm just looking for more reassurance?

Don't mean to hijack the thread!! I think it's amazing they gave you the same dates


4/05/2017 12:28 pm  #5

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

YesIWILL wrote:

I know I've asked, but I'd like to get others opinions too, while we're on the subject.

A psychic I went to (note, I was REALLY low, just after a HUGE fight when she told me she'd never be with me) - the psychic said there is 100% zero chance of her coming back, she's lost all interest completely, and that FOR SURE, she's not coming back and there's NO chance that she will - well, if anything is possible, why would she give me such an absolute NO? She made it very clear too that there's absolutely no wiggle room. Do I listen to her? She made me feel pretty bad, and the scary thing is she got so much right about my siblings and people I've asked about without me saying anything.

I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that I can change this. I know the answer I'll get, I guess maybe I'm just looking for more reassurance?

Don't mean to hijack the thread!! I think it's amazing they gave you the same dates

Fortune tellers aren't "Gods" or the Universe itself.

At the time of the reading,  I'm sure that even you STRONGLY believed that you'd never be with your POI again.  You hoped you would, but didn't believe it.  That doesn't mean that is what your future will be from this moment on.

The Universe is your playground.

4/05/2017 12:38 pm  #6

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

I had gotten negative readings in the past and they didnt happen.

Im not gonna lie, some are so negative that they will break you down. Some psychics will sell you a whole fairytale. (Gotta be carful with those)

Then you have the ones that let you know when something is gonna happen and your options of how you handle it and the outcomes of how you handle it.

My favorite has always seen a great future with me and my girl together and marriage and so much more. He has said this is the greater outcome i see you going with. Of course i could choose not to be with her. He just just doesn't see me chossing another way.


4/05/2017 1:42 pm  #7

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

Beautiful_1 wrote:

I had gotten negative readings in the past and they didnt happen.

Im not gonna lie, some are so negative that they will break you down. Some psychics will sell you a whole fairytale. (Gotta be carful with those)

Then you have the ones that let you know when something is gonna happen and your options of how you handle it and the outcomes of how you handle it.

My favorite has always seen a great future with me and my girl together and marriage and so much more. He has said this is the greater outcome i see you going with. Of course i could choose not to be with her. He just just doesn't see me chossing another way.



I recently had a tarot reading by a very reputable psychic / authoress and she gave me a time line of when I would speak to my beloved.  She was incorrect and now I am feeling hugely disappointed because other people I know had accurate readings of things that happened in their lives. 

Could you perhaps tell me the name of the psychic you use.  Do they perform private readings  ? 

Many thanks



4/05/2017 9:16 pm  #8

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

Even the very best psychics aren't always right. Rarely are they right on timelines. Another thing people don't consider is that your future can and will change. I had a reading two months ago and was told not to bother with my poi. The same psychic told me two weeks ago that circumstances changed and that this will end up being a very fulfilling relationship. In that two months, I've worked on myself and focused on the positive. I very well may have changed the outcome. People tend to take psychic readings as the be all end all. It's not. They read your current energy and usually go solely off that. If you or your poi is feeling down, it may seem hopeless. If you're feeling upbeat, it may seem like a fairy tale ending. I think we all know that we control our destiny and we can change the outcome. Use your psychic as a tool. The information should guide you and help you grow rather than be used as a crystal ball to see exactly how your story will end.


4/05/2017 10:27 pm  #9

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

Exactly.  Take it with a grain of salt, move forward with life, have faith and pray for the best.

And yes timelines are horrible. If you stay focused on them it will drive you crazy.

I respect if a psychic says they cant give me a timeline (even though i dont ask)


4/06/2017 6:50 am  #10

Re: Questions about fortune tellers

80saeaak wrote:

Even the very best psychics aren't always right. Rarely are they right on timelines. Another thing people don't consider is that your future can and will change. I had a reading two months ago and was told not to bother with my poi. The same psychic told me two weeks ago that circumstances changed and that this will end up being a very fulfilling relationship. In that two months, I've worked on myself and focused on the positive. I very well may have changed the outcome. People tend to take psychic readings as the be all end all. It's not. They read your current energy and usually go solely off that. If you or your poi is feeling down, it may seem hopeless. If you're feeling upbeat, it may seem like a fairy tale ending. I think we all know that we control our destiny and we can change the outcome. Use your psychic as a tool. The information should guide you and help you grow rather than be used as a crystal ball to see exactly how your story will end.

So what if I went to a psychic and I chose not to belive the negative prediction but what if my POI is still feeling against me? Can her prediction still be true?


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