DMR wrote:
blaireliza wrote:
I have a couple of psychics I've used for years, they have been accurate 90% of the time. Here are some things to take into account, and any good and honest psychic will tell you this:
-The future is not written in stone. So that's a good thing for you re: using the law of attraction here. For example, I've been told negative things by a psychic before, but I realized that if I never gave it energy it didn't transpire.
-Psychics aren't "one size fits all". One may be like 90% accurate with one person, and the same psychic can be 90% inaccurate with another person. It all comes down to how well you connect with them.
-They are not God, so there are chances that some things may be inaccurate from time to time. They just see or hear what they see or hear at the time. Although they have glimpses into the future, etc. so many other factors can come into play, especially if it's something that involves other people. For example: There is a guy I've been in love with for a little over two years. Not very long after I met him I asked my psychic when she thought I would see him again (we live in two different states). She mentioned that he would be in town visiting and I would see him around Thanksgiving and also before Christmas. Fast forward a few months, I never saw him at those times. Turns out in a twist of fate, I find out in April the following year he had been dating a girl who lived in the same exact city as myself, whom he met at the same time he met me (what are the chances of that happening since I live in New Orleans and he lives in New York, it made my head spin but it also hurt very deeply). He and I ended up meeting up when I found out he was dating a girl who lived here at that time and it turns out he was indeed in town those two times my psychic said he was. But he wasn't seeing me, he was seeing another girl he was dating at the time. Though as much as that situation sucked, they broke things off not very long after that at all and he and I became even closer afterwards for a time.
That being said, I do feel like psychics can be helpful in that a lot of them give good advice, whether things transpire the way they are seeing them or not. A good psychic will also tell you there are many possibilities, but they tell you what they see at that moment as things can change. I've been told the guy I've been in love with whom I want to manifest a relationship with that he and I are meant to be and will be together. Unfortunately he has a girlfriend now (he was single when we met), but both of my psychics told me this is a transitional relationship for him, so to speak, in that this is a relationship he needed to go through to learn and grow from but it's not meant for the long haul. In other words since he and I supposedly have long term/marriage potential he had to go through a relationship with her before he goes through one with me.
From my experience, I definitely feel like the law of attraction can play a HUGE part, so stay positive. But a word of warning I'm actually trying to work through myself: don't let it cause you to get in your own way! While I was given really good news about me and the guy I'm in love with ( and from more than one psychic), it has caused me to overthink things and try to be in control of the situation. So I'm working hard right now on trying to detach from the outcome. Ironically, one of my psychics has been telling me that for some time now that "yes, it'll happen as long as you can detach from the outcome and just seek out love in general". It may have taken a couple of years lol but she is right and I am now finally "getting" it and working through that right now.
Sorry this is so long and rambling! I can't sleep though also I hope I can shed some light on this topic re: psychis for you.
Hi! Thank you so much for your reply! Your story did give me a bit of relief so thank you for that..
Although I have visited two psychics and they both have said that it wont work out between me and him and they have been right about certain other things. So I am really struggling to change it with LOA. Dont know if it'll work! I shall keep trying to be positive about the whole thing..Hope everything works out for you too!
Thanks! I'm glad I was able to help. I think you should stay the course with Law of Attraction because I feel it can happen if you don't let what they said get in your way.
Avaelle wrote:
DMR wrote:
Avaelle wrote:
I view Psychics as markers that let us know how we are doing. So if they were to say a person isn't coming back, that just would mean that changes need to be madeSo you mean changes in our thinking and belief pattern need to be made in order to change the result?
Yes, meaning that what they say in that moment is true but based on your energy. Whatever they said isn't the end all.
Yes, I totally agree. The future is never written in stone. I would take what info they give you and use it to work towards what you want. Use it as fuel to make the changes you need to make in your life to change your energy, make the shift you wanna make to bring him into your life.
blaireliza wrote:
Avaelle wrote:
DMR wrote:
So you mean changes in our thinking and belief pattern need to be made in order to change the result?Yes, meaning that what they say in that moment is true but based on your energy. Whatever they said isn't the end all.
Yes, I totally agree. The future is never written in stone. I would take what info they give you and use it to work towards what you want. Use it as fuel to make the changes you need to make in your life to change your energy, make the shift you wanna make to bring him into your life.
That is something I wanted to hear really. Thank you all for being so positive and helpful!
I have one psychic i read with every few months because he sees alot further into the future. Like a year or more out into the future. He has read for me for about 2+ years. He has said the same outcome with me an my girl (even when we were together) he still sees alot more with our future together.
One day i asked him can i also have this with someone else? He laughed at me and said of course because god gave us free will. Either way my girl was comming back to work this relationship out. He said i could choose to go with someone else....he just does not see me choosing anybody else. Pretty much the greater possibility is me and her being together again.
I figured I'd mention my update here since I had mentioned how I had talked to a couple of psychics about the guy I have been in love with who I was told I would eventually be in a relationship with, likely married to him. He's the one I had been wanting to manifest a relationship with, though right now I'm really losing hope because not only does he have a girlfriend, but I think they just moved in together. I think they're also pretty serious because I never hear from him anymore and I've reached out a couple of times here and there since October and never got any response. He was single when we met, and according to all psychics I've ever talked to, he and his current girlfriend's relationship was never supposed to get off the ground. I was hoping and really thought they were going to be right, especially because I've always had a good track record with them but also because she was just about to split up with her husband when he met her and I was thinking it was going to be a rebound. Now I have a bad feeling they're gonna get married. Needless to say I'm definitely losing hope. I had been doing pretty well with working on detachment from the outcome but then this happened.
I guess all in all my point is that I feel like with hindsight being 20/20 talking to a psychic(s) gave me a false sense of hope. Not to mention there is free will of the other person, which is the kicker. So yeah, I guess in some ways this is proof that despite what a psychic may tell you, it's not always guaranteed to happen. Don't get me wrong, I've always known that going in but I guess you can say this is good news and bad news when it comes to psychics. Not everything they say is written in stone.
blaireliza wrote:
I figured I'd mention my update here since I had mentioned how I had talked to a couple of psychics about the guy I have been in love with who I was told I would eventually be in a relationship with, likely married to him. He's the one I had been wanting to manifest a relationship with, though right now I'm really losing hope because not only does he have a girlfriend, but I think they just moved in together. I think they're also pretty serious because I never hear from him anymore and I've reached out a couple of times here and there since October and never got any response. He was single when we met, and according to all psychics I've ever talked to, he and his current girlfriend's relationship was never supposed to get off the ground. I was hoping and really thought they were going to be right, especially because I've always had a good track record with them but also because she was just about to split up with her husband when he met her and I was thinking it was going to be a rebound. Now I have a bad feeling they're gonna get married. Needless to say I'm definitely losing hope. I had been doing pretty well with working on detachment from the outcome but then this happened.
I guess all in all my point is that I feel like with hindsight being 20/20 talking to a psychic(s) gave me a false sense of hope. Not to mention there is free will of the other person, which is the kicker. So yeah, I guess in some ways this is proof that despite what a psychic may tell you, it's not always guaranteed to happen. Don't get me wrong, I've always known that going in but I guess you can say this is good news and bad news when it comes to psychics. Not everything they say is written in stone.
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can completely understand how it feels whrn somebody gives false hope and then it does not happen that way.
I have been to 3 psychics. Two of them have told me it won't work out. One said "The universe doesnt want you together" and the second one said "He doesnt love you emotionally", he just likes talking to you and he will contact you only after 6 months". This things hit me like a truck when I heard it. But it could be true because the second one also told me he is going to be travelling and indeed he just went out of country for a vacation. So maybe she is right in her predictions.
The third psychic told me that this guy is crazy behind you. Now I dont know what to believe. I dont mean to be negative or bring the mojo of this forum down. I have decided not to see any more pyshics and just follow LOA.
I need to work on myself a lot and this forum really helps me a lot in that. I hope mine and your situation works out for the best! I will update here whatever happens! Best wishes
DMR wrote:
blaireliza wrote:
I figured I'd mention my update here since I had mentioned how I had talked to a couple of psychics about the guy I have been in love with who I was told I would eventually be in a relationship with, likely married to him. He's the one I had been wanting to manifest a relationship with, though right now I'm really losing hope because not only does he have a girlfriend, but I think they just moved in together. I think they're also pretty serious because I never hear from him anymore and I've reached out a couple of times here and there since October and never got any response. He was single when we met, and according to all psychics I've ever talked to, he and his current girlfriend's relationship was never supposed to get off the ground. I was hoping and really thought they were going to be right, especially because I've always had a good track record with them but also because she was just about to split up with her husband when he met her and I was thinking it was going to be a rebound. Now I have a bad feeling they're gonna get married. Needless to say I'm definitely losing hope. I had been doing pretty well with working on detachment from the outcome but then this happened.
I guess all in all my point is that I feel like with hindsight being 20/20 talking to a psychic(s) gave me a false sense of hope. Not to mention there is free will of the other person, which is the kicker. So yeah, I guess in some ways this is proof that despite what a psychic may tell you, it's not always guaranteed to happen. Don't get me wrong, I've always known that going in but I guess you can say this is good news and bad news when it comes to psychics. Not everything they say is written in stone.I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can completely understand how it feels whrn somebody gives false hope and then it does not happen that way.
I have been to 3 psychics. Two of them have told me it won't work out. One said "The universe doesnt want you together" and the second one said "He doesnt love you emotionally", he just likes talking to you and he will contact you only after 6 months". This things hit me like a truck when I heard it. But it could be true because the second one also told me he is going to be travelling and indeed he just went out of country for a vacation. So maybe she is right in her predictions.
The third psychic told me that this guy is crazy behind you. Now I dont know what to believe. I dont mean to be negative or bring the mojo of this forum down. I have decided not to see any more pyshics and just follow LOA.
I need to work on myself a lot and this forum really helps me a lot in that. I hope mine and your situation works out for the best! I will update here whatever happens! Best wishes
Thanks dear. I think I'm not going to talk to psychics anymore either. It's not that I doubt their abilities, and at least I know that me and this guy's connection was real and not all in my head (lots of serendipitous things happened between us), it just apparently turns out that despite what they were able to see (he and this girl's relationship not even getting off the ground and me and him getting together) it doesn't look that way at all.
I hope for your sake your situation works out. I had a lot of faith, especially because we have a natural connection but I think the distance and me not moving to New York (where he lives) nearly as soon as I had hoped because life got in the way. I've been working on myself a lot lately, so hopefully someone else will come along and soon.
Psychics are work lol
You gotta find one that connects with you.
Someone who is not selling fairytales.
The fact that there are different types of psychics that see things differently.
Like i said my top psychic i read with every few months because he sees so far out into the future. (He wont give timeframes) he also lets me know that god gave us freewill. And i could choose to go with someone else! Either way my girl is comming back to work this relationship out with me. I choose what to do.
I believe that some psychics are actually real and will tell the truth, time isn't a straight line so knowing how something plays out you can alter the course of it and it'll branch off into another timeline. It's our thoughts and feelings that shape reality, so they can see the path you're headed down but at any point you have the power to change course.
Staceylouuu91x wrote:
I believe that some psychics are actually real and will tell the truth, time isn't a straight line so knowing how something plays out you can alter the course of it and it'll branch off into another timeline. It's our thoughts and feelings that shape reality, so they can see the path you're headed down but at any point you have the power to change course.
Yeah that's very true. I've always been told not to worry about the whens and the hows. They're not ones to blow smoke up my ass since they have told me about other people, situations, or things that weren't positive. Perhaps I shouldn't give up but just stay positive because even if things look one way now they may not stay that way.