Hello boyfriend and I broke up a month ago. Since then he has blocked my number and Facebook...will LOA help in this situation? He said that he's going to be single for a long time but I know deep down that we're suppose to be together...I've been thinking positive for the past 4 days. Any advice would help.
Yes. There are people on here, myself included, that have been blocked or unfriended but went on to recover the relationship.
Okay that's good to hear. I've read that no situation is impossible but with mine he said that he wants to be single so he can figure out where he wants to be in life and is going to be single for a long time and he has his mind set on that. Then a couple weeks ago before he blocked me I told him that I agreed with the breakup but I still wanted to talk for closure but now I realize that I don't want that. Will positive thinking and using the LOA help? I visualize him saying that he wants to talk and that he regrets saying all the stuff he said and I visualize the good times we had together. I don't know if my chances are ruined for good.
It's always best to find your own closure when it comes to situations. The other person may be unwilling to provide it or they may die, then what?
It seems like you're accepting his words as permanent. People change their mind though. He could decide next week that he hates being single. A good idea would be to keep sending love to yourself and affirming positive things about yourself. Also, visualize what you want with him.
Okay. You're right he could change his mind. He said that he likes being single better and that some people like being single and he's one of them. I initiated the breakup first and then after not talking for 2 days I decided that I missed him and I asked him if we could talk and that I wanted to work through our problems and that's when he said that he likes being single. I've been saying positive affirmations to myself. Does it matter how bad a situation is?
I also forgot to mention that he blocked my family and friends too after he unfriended them so he cut all ties with me.
First of all stop repeating the story of blocking. Not even to urself. Forget that he has blocked u. Move on with ur life as nothing has changed. But keep up with the visualisation. Do this for a month. And then see the results
okay. I actually gave up Facebook so it's easier not to think about it. Thank you for the advice