Has anyone ever experienced light headedness while you were doing RS? If this a good thing and can the other person feel it?
I haven't.Β
I haven't but I have felt the presence of him. I felt as if he was truly looking back at me
Thanks! Something is working though cause there has been communication most times within the day of my RS.
Not sure why...but now the RS that I was doing before, does not seem to be working. There has been no contact. I feel good when doing it, and have read Lannie's BWD and have been using her techniques, but now NOTHING...I am trying to not get frustrated, but still. Not sure what is going on! I could use a little help/encouragement
Look at it this way. RS is like a form of communication.Β If it were a text, just because you didn't receive a reply that day - would it mean they didn't receive it?
Thanks Avaelle! I just wish I knew someway/somehow they were getting the message and not "deleting" it from their mind!
I'm unable to do RS and im getting disappointed and distressed. Have seen Veronica 's video to understand how it is done but I'm unable to visualise or feel anything. Please guide me.