So I got this sign regarding my girl a while ago (last year, 2016).
So, one time we were discussing kids names, and she suggested, "heeth" or something like that. So we did that whole back-and-forth, "Heeth?", "No, it's pronounced, HEETH". and that kept going on for a few more tries. I just remembered it for a while. So then in 2016, later, while trying to attract her back, I walk downstairs and start watching a show with my parents... The SAME exact conversation goes on:
Same name and everything...
That HAS to be a sign. IT can't NOT be.ย
But it HAS to be.
let this be inspiration for all of you
But, my thing is, I haven't had signs or things like that happen in a long time now, and it makes me feel as though I'm so disconnected from my desire, and makes me feel like "the ship" to getting her back "has sailed". I can still get her back right? This just shows that I'm not in allignment anymore? Just gotta rid myself of this stomach-gut-hell. So why am I still doubting when that's obviously a sign? It's more than doubt. It's like my gut telling me it's done and she's not coming back.
Thanks guys! Hope that this story can be an inspiration to you all (And hopefully I can have that question answered too.)
angel19 wrote:
hey dont give up im in the same boat its been 7 months and its my birthday soon ย i have no idea if he will message request me but im still not giving up i have so much doubt sometimes too im working on it as u see from my previous posts ย but seriusly lets both keep strongย
Thank you so much!
We can both do this! We can AND WILL get our exes, er, I mean LOVES back!
Despite previous posts about you being anxious, you give off a very optimistic vibe. Keep it up and it will get you through anything xx
Meg2222 wrote:
Despite previous posts about you being anxious, you give off a very optimistic vibe. Keep it up and it will get you through anything
I agree with this. Your more recent posts have seemed a lot more level and a lot less anxious. I want to sincerely congratulate you on that progress.
My only slight criticism would be that there's no need to include the doubt at the end. Especially not on a post that starts so happily! I get why you included it, but you really don't need to doubt yourself when you're having a good run. Just enjoy the journey and start letting yourself forget about those thought patterns. It's a tough nut to crack, breaking those normal patterns of thought, but your progress in the past couple of weeks has been so good, we can all see that you can do it (because you already are)!
Keep up the good work!
Meg2222 wrote:
Despite previous posts about you being anxious, you give off a very optimistic vibe. Keep it up and it will get you through anything
Thank you so much!! I'm trying so hard! I just have to find a way to feelย connectedย to her, and as if it'sย not over, as my gut (or worry?) is trying to tell me
Pan_Pipe wrote:
Meg2222 wrote:
Despite previous posts about you being anxious, you give off a very optimistic vibe. Keep it up and it will get you through anything
I agree with this. Your more recent posts have seemed a lot more level and a lot less anxious. I want to sincerely congratulate you on that progress.
My only slight criticism would be that there's no need to include the doubt at the end. Especially not on a post that starts so happily! I get why you included it, but you really don't need to doubt yourself when you're having a good run. Just enjoy the journey and start letting yourself forget about those thought patterns. It's a tough nut to crack, breaking those normal patterns of thought, but your progress in the past couple of weeks has been so good, we can all see that you can do it (because you already are)!
Keep up the good work!
That congratulations means so much, thank you!! This did happen a year ago though... i haven't seen signs for hope lately. Maybe I need to allign again? I really can try... after all I don't want to give up, and I want her back. Right now she gives zero shits about me, might be with another dude, etc. but I can change that, yeah? - And you are totally right! I need to find a way to just let go of the doubt and negativity, thank you so much)
Last edited by YesIWILL (3/07/2017 2:27 pm)
YesIWILL wrote:
Pan_Pipe wrote:
Meg2222 wrote:
Despite previous posts about you being anxious, you give off a very optimistic vibe. Keep it up and it will get you through anything
I agree with this. Your more recent posts have seemed a lot more level and a lot less anxious. I want to sincerely congratulate you on that progress.
My only slight criticism would be that there's no need to include the doubt at the end. Especially not on a post that starts so happily! I get why you included it, but you really don't need to doubt yourself when you're having a good run. Just enjoy the journey and start letting yourself forget about those thought patterns. It's a tough nut to crack, breaking those normal patterns of thought, but your progress in the past couple of weeks has been so good, we can all see that you can do it (because you already are)!
Keep up the good work!That congratulations means so much, thank you!! This did happen a year ago though... so I know that I have some techniques I was using that worked. I know how to align myself again.. I really can do it... after all I don't want to give up, and I know my hard work is paying off. Right now she still cares a lot about me, another dude really doesn't do it for her because she misses me so much etc. I know I'm doing the work, and I know what my path is. - And you are totally right! I can easily find a way to let go of the doubt and negativity, it doesn't serve my purpose, and I like being happy and fulfilled in myself a lot more than spending time doubting! Thank you so much
Fixed this for you, haha. ๐
Pan_Pipe wrote:
YesIWILL wrote:
Pan_Pipe wrote:
I agree with this. Your more recent posts have seemed a lot more level and a lot less anxious. I want to sincerely congratulate you on that progress.
My only slight criticism would be that there's no need to include the doubt at the end. Especially not on a post that starts so happily! I get why you included it, but you really don't need to doubt yourself when you're having a good run. Just enjoy the journey and start letting yourself forget about those thought patterns. It's a tough nut to crack, breaking those normal patterns of thought, but your progress in the past couple of weeks has been so good, we can all see that you can do it (because you already are)!
Keep up the good work!That congratulations means so much, thank you!! This did happen a year ago though... so I know that I have some techniques I was using that worked. I know how to align myself again.. I really can do it... after all I don't want to give up, and I know my hard work is paying off. Right now she still cares a lot about me, another dude really doesn't do it for her because she misses me so much etc. I know I'm doing the work, and I know what my path is. - And you are totally right! I can easily find a way to let go of the doubt and negativity, it doesn't serve my purpose, and I like being happy and fulfilled in myself a lot more than spending time doubting! Thank you so much
Fixed this for you, haha. ๐
You are amazing, thank you!!!! :D Hahah!
I can do this. I just need to find a way to not let this gut feeling of hopelessness affect me.
I hope this post can serve though, showing others that it does work! The synchronicity is unbelievable! - That interaction between she and I was not just some interaction. It's something I actually remembered and cherished! I'd think back to it on occasion.ย
That cannot be a coincidence.ย
Last edited by YesIWILL (3/07/2017 2:55 pm)
YesIWILL wrote:
You are amazing, thank you!!!! :D Hahah!
I can do this. I just need to find a way to not let this gut feeling of hopelessness affect me.
I hope this post can serve though, showing others that it does work! The synchronicity is unbelievable! - That interaction between she and I was not just some interaction. It's something I actually remembered and cherished! I'd think back to it on occasion.ย
That cannot be a coincidence.ย
Remember that the "hopeless" feeling is a resistance. Turn it into a positive - it's telling you exactly what it is you need to work on, and recognising what it is you need to work on is one step closer to getting where you need to be.
It's hard to break those thought patterns, and I think what you need to do is start consciously remembering that those feelings are an echo of your previous thought patterns. If you can start consciously recognising them, consciously identifying them and creating a new thought pattern ("that's my resistance, it's telling me that I'm allowing myself to fall back into my habit of low feelings, thanks brain for telling me where I don't want to go, I'm going somewhere different with my feelings") it will get easier, and you'll find yourself spending less time in them.
Neurologically, when we have a familiar thought pattern, our brains find that thought pattern more comforting (even if they're negative) than finding a new neural pathway. The more you practise your new neural pathway, the stronger it becomes and the less your brain will try to fall into those old pathways. It takes a bit of practise and dedication, but you're more than capable - we all are. We all learn new neural pathways - for example, when you learn how to do something new at work. The more you do it, the more you are confident you can do it, and soon enough you barely have to consciously think about what you're doing because that pathway is set in your mind. Here's a link with some techniques (it even has some LOA buzzwords!): ย โ-10-steps-to-create-new-neural-pathways-of-the-brain/
I think you're very persuaded by logic, I know I am quite a logic-brain thinker too. So I'm hoping my next analogy will help you as much as it helped me when I felt stuck - have you heard of infinite monkey theorem? That given an infinite amount of monkeys typing randomly on typewriters, and an infinite amount of time, it is inevitable that at some point (at least) one monkey will type out the entire works of Shakespeare.
Ok, hold on, bear with me.
What I take from this is the infinity of possibility. All of the monkeys could randomly type out the works of Shakespeare. It could happen in the first week. Actually, given an infinite amount of monkeys, it is inevitable that one monkey will type out the entire works of Shakespeare as the first thing they type. Millions upon millions of monkeys could type out a near-perfect version of the entire works of Shakespeare, but make a single spelling mistake each. One monkey could type out the entire works of Shakespeare and then also all the Harry Potter books. Do you see what I'm saying? The possibilities are infinite. From literally this second, there are millions upon millions of possibilities that you and your love will be reunited. Futures where exactly what you want to happen, happens - hundred of identical futures that only differ in a single word, or look, or even a single breath taken a few seconds later. And there are futures which vary wildly - you could bump into each other on a boating trip down the amazon in 12 years time, or you could bump into each other at the grocery store next week.ย
This has gotten really long. Sorry, I'm just so enthusiastic about all the infinite possibilities. And the best thing - you can attract those futures by making them your focus. Your future, from even this second, has infinite possibility.
Pan_Pipe wrote:
YesIWILL wrote:
You are amazing, thank you!!!! :D Hahah!
I can do this. I just need to find a way to not let this gut feeling of hopelessness affect me.
I hope this post can serve though, showing others that it does work! The synchronicity is unbelievable! - That interaction between she and I was not just some interaction. It's something I actually remembered and cherished! I'd think back to it on occasion.ย
That cannot be a coincidence.ยRemember that the "hopeless" feeling is a resistance. Turn it into a positive - it's telling you exactly what it is you need to work on, and recognising what it is you need to work on is one step closer to getting where you need to be.
It's hard to break those thought patterns, and I think what you need to do is start consciously remembering that those feelings are an echo of your previous thought patterns. If you can start consciously recognising them, consciously identifying them and creating a new thought pattern ("that's my resistance, it's telling me that I'm allowing myself to fall back into my habit of low feelings, thanks brain for telling me where I don't want to go, I'm going somewhere different with my feelings") it will get easier, and you'll find yourself spending less time in them.
Neurologically, when we have a familiar thought pattern, our brains find that thought pattern more comforting (even if they're negative) than finding a new neural pathway. The more you practise your new neural pathway, the stronger it becomes and the less your brain will try to fall into those old pathways. It takes a bit of practise and dedication, but you're more than capable - we all are. We all learn new neural pathways - for example, when you learn how to do something new at work. The more you do it, the more you are confident you can do it, and soon enough you barely have to consciously think about what you're doing because that pathway is set in your mind. Here's a link with some techniques (it even has some LOA buzzwords!): ย โ-10-steps-to-create-new-neural-pathways-of-the-brain/
I think you're very persuaded by logic, I know I am quite a logic-brain thinker too. So I'm hoping my next analogy will help you as much as it helped me when I felt stuck - have you heard of infinite monkey theorem? That given an infinite amount of monkeys typing randomly on typewriters, and an infinite amount of time, it is inevitable that at some point (at least) one monkey will type out the entire works of Shakespeare.
Ok, hold on, bear with me.
What I take from this is the infinity of possibility. All of the monkeys could randomly type out the works of Shakespeare. It could happen in the first week. Actually, given an infinite amount of monkeys, it is inevitable that one monkey will type out the entire works of Shakespeare as the first thing they type. Millions upon millions of monkeys could type out a near-perfect version of the entire works of Shakespeare, but make a single spelling mistake each. One monkey could type out the entire works of Shakespeare and then also all the Harry Potter books. Do you see what I'm saying? The possibilities are infinite. From literally this second, there are millions upon millions of possibilities that you and your love will be reunited. Futures where exactly what you want to happen, happens - hundred of identical futures that only differ in a single word, or look, or even a single breath taken a few seconds later. And there are futures which vary wildly - you could bump into each other on a boating trip down the amazon in 12 years time, or you could bump into each other at the grocery store next week.ย
This has gotten really long. Sorry, I'm just so enthusiastic about all the infinite possibilities. And the best thing - you can attract those futures by making them your focus. Your future, from even this second, has infinite possibility.
I hope you're right that it's just resistance. It feels very-much like a gut feeling or a "disconnect" or "it's over" gut feeling.
Thank you so much for the lnik! I'll definitely check it out. Anything to rid my gut of this gut-wrenching doubt. Thank you!ย
And I love that! I just need to believe that anything is possible! Thank you so much I really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this for me!