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3/01/2017 1:46 am  #1

Manifested something I've been asking for!

(Sorry for those who get uncomfortable with this subject) I have always had PCOS, basically I never have a menstrual cycle, it's been a while since I've had one. I have also been wanting to have a baby with my love when we are official. (Taking it slow, I'm too into this to give up now!) but anyway, I asked the universe to bring it back to me. When I manifested my love to contact me, a couple days later and my cycle came back! I am so happy that all of my manifestations are coming. I am so thankful for the universe/god for bringing me what I ask. Never lose hope guys!

Believe and you shall recieve. <3

3/01/2017 8:02 am  #2

Re: Manifested something I've been asking for!

That is so great to hear! Congrats xx


3/01/2017 1:28 pm  #3

Re: Manifested something I've been asking for!

That's great!!!!! I love hearing this.Β  I love seeing familiar names making it happen .

The Universe is your playground.

3/04/2017 7:15 am  #4

Re: Manifested something I've been asking for!

You must be feeling amazing!! Stay positive - gives me hope!!! πŸ€


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