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3/03/2017 9:00 am  #1

Scoring My Dream Job

The Law of Attraction has always worked in my favor and has helped me receive anything I think of. A great example of this is my office job I've been dying to get. I pictured myself working the front desk and helping people as they come in.
I remember checking my email a couple of days after my job interview and I got the job! But as a a phone rep. Now, being a little phone rep made me a TINY bit sad, but I was so overjoyed of getting the job, I didn't let my negative energy effect this.
Later I'm through the week, I showed up to my new job and I was told I would be working the front desk instead! I was so overjoyed and happy. Somehow, within the two days I was set to work phones, I was transferred to the front desk! Also later on I found out out of the 30 people they interviewed, only 2 got hired.

So I wish to tell this story to anyone trying to use LOA in there favor into scoring their dream job. Just stay positive, visualize you already have the position, and dress for the job you want. Do all three of those things, and you are set to success.


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