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3/02/2017 2:15 am  #1

Manifesting Our Success Story - WE GOT THIS GUYS!

Hey all!
Β Β  Β I'm Raven and I've been so intrigued by the LOA since learning about it back in January. It all makes sense how energy is truly everything; I just could never put my finger onto what it was. Since learning about it, I do not believe in coincides anymore, because every "sign" that we come across, is something aligning towards us whether it is good or bad and that is truly up to US and our mindset. A little background with my situation: my ex and I were in a relationship for a year-and eight months, and we ended in November. We have broken up before, but have also gotten back together due to me letting go and not expecting anything the first time. Once we get back together again, I'll break our entire relationship down, because I vowed to help others the best way I possibly can and share my story to guide others with what I've learned. I am no where near perfect; there are days where I have questions, relapse, need reassurance, and need to dust my shoulders off and try again. We haven't spoke in almost 2 months and have been separated for four, yet I will still not give up love and will also not be a moping mess anymore just because my ex hasn't come back... yet ;)
Β Β  Β  Β  Β I'm creating this thread to inspire others and to also be inspired. I love being able to share what I've learned and for others to share some of their wisdom with me, because no one has all the answers. Share something awesome you've done today whether it be for yourself, a friend, a family member, co-worker! Has anyone made you feel special today other that your ex? That matters too, guys! Any "signs" that you have came across? Any setbacks and just need a boost? Little-by-little we are taking steps in the right direction of our desires. So let's make this a happy thread!
Β Β  Β  Β I am on Day 3 of the 25 Day Challenge and it's been really helping me so far with just getting my vibes right. It makes me realize that we should always acknowledge what we are thankful for, visualize our desires, treat our bodies right, and most of all? TREAT OURSELVES in-and-out of a relationship.

I'm looking forward to meeting you guys and hearing about your days, tips, and wisdom that will lead to our success story! - xx


3/02/2017 3:51 am  #2

Re: Manifesting Our Success Story - WE GOT THIS GUYS!

Welcome! Last night I dreamt of my love, and been feeling really connected to him lately. I still need to do some work on myself before he comes back officially but I know its going to happen! Its almost like it feels like it has happened, just waiting for it to come into physical reality. I find visualising is the best form on manifesting What techniques help you?xx


3/02/2017 7:41 am  #3

Re: Manifesting Our Success Story - WE GOT THIS GUYS!

Meg2222 wrote:

Welcome! Last night I dreamt of my love, and been feeling really connected to him lately. I still need to do some work on myself before he comes back officially but I know its going to happen! Its almost like it feels like it has happened, just waiting for it to come into physical reality. I find visualising is the best form on manifesting What techniques help you?xx

Hey girl! It's like I visualize by default, all day lol so that it one of my best techniques. I also try and dive into as many articles and videos as I can to keep me on track; Veronica'a videos has been the most help. I need to get in the feel as already "having" so a friend of mine told me to start writing about what I already have; this is also a simple yet efficient technique that I should start, because it takes away that "want" feeling. I also shut every negative thought down as soon as they pop up and treat them like an intrusive thought that I do not need.

Also, I think of what else I want in life. When I was in my past relationship, I just wanted to be a songwriter and be fit. Since the breakup, I sort of neglected that so for no one but myself, I started working out and songwriting again, in the last week. So I would advise to you to think of other things you would like out of life and go for them, too. After all, we're still going to have our own personal goals/dreams after we get our loves back so start on them now!

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