If you want to change a part of your past, how is it done? Can you just imagine a memory going differently or is there a certain process? A lot of loa teachers say you can do this but I'm confused about how..
this is very interesting i too would like to know, i didn't even know it was possible
Yes, you can. Neville Goddard's revision technique. Here's a good video about it. Β You pretty much change the memory of the event and give it a better ending.Β
The easiest way (at least when you are at a certain level) to change your past is to recognize that it is an illusion anyway. You can't touch it, you see only proof of it, because you believe in it. If you could see yourself in this very moment as the immortal consciousness that you are which isn't tied to a past or a human body, you would see how unimportant that which you call your past is and it would lose its power.