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2/12/2017 3:27 pm  #1

your opinions please?

Hi everyone

First i listend to all the video's of veronica  and after a while i decited to start the 25 days challenge..  This is what i got..
We had no contact and he blocked me out of the blue on whatsapp and facebook...  A few days ago i noticed he unblocked me on facebook (we are not fb friends...  I posted a song about two people who love and miss eachother...  Than a few days later...  He posted a song about  two people who love and miss eachother (a different song)i believe this has something to do with loa...  But is it?  And now what?


2/13/2017 10:21 am  #2

Re: your opinions please?

Well, keep at it.

The Universe is your playground.

2/13/2017 1:30 pm  #3

Re: your opinions please?

keep doing the 25 day challenge, scripting, visualizing and RS. Be patient and most of all have FaithΒ 


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