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2/01/2017 5:43 pm  #1

Taken by surprise... It was amazing!

Several weeks ago I decided I wanted to manifest my ex back because I still love him, haven't been able to shake it for months, haha. ย Anyway, lately he has been ignoring me, not talking to me, excluding me from snapchats etc. ย It all started when I started using the LOA to bring him back. ย I would script, visualise, feel great, act as if and lately I've started RS. ย I love doing it, it makes me feel wonderful. ย 

ANYWAY. ย I went away the other day, just for the night and I noticed some odd things, they really grabbed my attention and made me stop and smile like an idiot! haha. ย I started seeing signs everywhere within this space of 24 hours. ย 

First, my hotel room number was 114, my love and I would always visit a cafe called One One Four when we went on breakfast dates. ย I couldn't believe the odds.

Second, somebody asked me a question that included his last name, asking me if I wanted this specific thing (that really took me by surprise). ย 

Third, I ran into his good friend who I met through him, I ran into her and we got talking, wanting to catch up again and talking about everything, it was really good to see her but what were the odds of me running into one of his best friends!ย 

Fourth, I went out for breakfast at this place and as I left, I looked at the wall and sure enough, "St Luke's cathedral" (his name is Luke)

and finally, Opening the menu inside the restaurant, there was a meal that also contained his last name...

Now! ย These really shocked me, I was so surprised and I couldn't help but smile. ย I wasn't asking for or looking for signs, I was still living off my positive vibes from the night before (I went to a concert) and he wasn't on my mind at the time, not until those signs popped up.

So, what do you guys think? ย I would love your thoughts!

Stay amazing!!!



2/04/2017 5:20 am  #2

Re: Taken by surprise... It was amazing!

If you feel u wanted the universe to show u its working thru signs....good for u....if this makes sense and raises your vibration then its superb. Sometimes a few things do give us amazing happiness which raises our vibration. Keep it up!!ย 


2/13/2017 8:50 am  #3

Re: Taken by surprise... It was amazing!

I feel these are positive signs... because same happened with me and today we are together ๐Ÿ˜Š God bless u


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