2 more days, I will finish 25 Day Challenge. I consistently sense someone missing me, but I haven't heard from my ex. I don't feel upset that I still don't have my ex back because I believe that Universe always wants to give us the best heart desire we want. Β All those challenge works has been made my heart more peace and happy. I think I will just continue and repeat all 25 day challenge work after finish my 1st 25 days....
Again!! I haven't heard anything from my ex. However, a lot Magical things start happening in my life such friends, job, health.... I enjoy and feel grateful those magical things and what I have now. I also remind myself every morning/before sleep or when I feel down that Β "Let Universe do the work to send desire packages back to me. I just need to relax, have fun and be happy be me.!!!
Don't give up!!!Β
True. Relax.Β