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2/09/2017 4:18 am  #1

speeding up manifestation?

i know that asking this in itself is a negative feeling... but i seem to be growing very impatient and scared and i can't seem to shake this feeling

is there any more i could do?


2/09/2017 4:25 am  #2

Re: speeding up manifestation?

he hasn't even unblocked me on anything and its been almost a month of manifesting and positivity.... and at the end of the day id even just love it if i could be friends like we said we would 

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2/09/2017 5:04 am  #3

Re: speeding up manifestation?

The only advice I can give you, is the one I'm giving myself.
Don't think about it!
Everytime you think about he's blocking you, you just make the blocking even stronger.
Try to look at it positively. The only reason he's blocking you, is because he has confusing feelings about you.
Keep thinking only positive about him. Send out love and Heart energy. Forgive you both for what went wrong. Use positive affirmations thru your day. Be grateful for other Things in your life. Keep visualizing and KNOW that everything will be as you dream of in the end.
Don't worry about how or when it will happen.
Getting your man back, is not about him. It's about you and your energy.


2/09/2017 6:32 am  #4

Re: speeding up manifestation?

Lj wrote:

The only advice I can give you, is the one I'm giving myself.
Don't think about it!
Everytime you think about he's blocking you, you just make the blocking even stronger.
Try to look at it positively. The only reason he's blocking you, is because he has confusing feelings about you.
Keep thinking only positive about him. Send out love and Heart energy. Forgive you both for what went wrong. Use positive affirmations thru your day. Be grateful for other Things in your life. Keep visualizing and KNOW that everything will be as you dream of in the end.
Don't worry about how or when it will happen.
Getting your man back, is not about him. It's about you and your energy.

thank you so much for this positivity, sometimes i think i just need to hear it outside of my own self.
it feels lovely to read that he's blocking me because he has conflicting feelings and not because of anger (eve though he was never angry at me so thats what confused me) that kind of keeps the hope alive a bit.
thank you again, you have giving me more hope.


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2/09/2017 6:49 am  #5

Re: speeding up manifestation?

bloa007 wrote:

Lj wrote:

The only advice I can give you, is the one I'm giving myself.
Don't think about it!
Everytime you think about he's blocking you, you just make the blocking even stronger.
Try to look at it positively. The only reason he's blocking you, is because he has confusing feelings about you.
Keep thinking only positive about him. Send out love and Heart energy. Forgive you both for what went wrong. Use positive affirmations thru your day. Be grateful for other Things in your life. Keep visualizing and KNOW that everything will be as you dream of in the end.
Don't worry about how or when it will happen.
Getting your man back, is not about him. It's about you and your energy.

thank you so much for this positivity, sometimes i think i just need to hear it outside of my own self.
it feels lovely to read that he's blocking me because he has conflicting feelings and not because of anger (eve though he was never angry at me so thats what confused me) that kind of keeps the hope alive a bit.
thank you again, you have giving me more hope.


Happy to help 😊
You're right. Sometimes we just need to hear it from somebody else 😊
All the best.


2/09/2017 7:15 am  #6

Re: speeding up manifestation?

bloa007 wrote:

he hasn't even unblocked me on anything and its been almost a month of manifesting and positivity.... and at the end of the day id even just love it if i could be friends like we said we would 

I totaly agree with Lj.
I'm in the similar situation but we bumped to each other few times. Smiles, saying Hi...
Today again :-)
But do not speed up anything! You must be ready for relationship and how to deal with it.

Last edited by Jovana (2/09/2017 7:17 am)


2/11/2017 7:42 am  #7

Re: speeding up manifestation?

bloa007 wrote:

he hasn't even unblocked me on anything and its been almost a month of manifesting and positivity.... and at the end of the day id even just love it if i could be friends like we said we would 

I know it's hard but you have to stop watching his social Media pages it will literally drive you crazy. I did that I also went as far as create a fake page to see what he was doing and any little thing drove me crazy. As hard as it may be focus on you make yourself feel better look at how beautiful you are and how you are a good catch for anyone. Just because he does not notice right now believe me he is thinking about you.  I'm manifesting my ex back and I know it's just a matter of time . He will come back feelings of not having will keep you not having . Do the scripting exercise it will help. Think as if you were back together and you are not blocked from his social media . 😍😍let me know how it helps because this group really helps

Endless Love ❤️ 
Antonio's Wife

2/11/2017 7:31 pm  #8

Re: speeding up manifestation?

Antonio's Wife wrote:

bloa007 wrote:

he hasn't even unblocked me on anything and its been almost a month of manifesting and positivity.... and at the end of the day id even just love it if i could be friends like we said we would 

I know it's hard but you have to stop watching his social Media pages it will literally drive you crazy. I did that I also went as far as create a fake page to see what he was doing and any little thing drove me crazy. As hard as it may be focus on you make yourself feel better look at how beautiful you are and how you are a good catch for anyone. Just because he does not notice right now believe me he is thinking about you. I'm manifesting my ex back and I know it's just a matter of time . He will come back feelings of not having will keep you not having . Do the scripting exercise it will help. Think as if you were back together and you are not blocked from his social media . 😍😍let me know how it helps because this group really helps

yeah, I've stopped myself from looking at his pages, i would look at the likes on certain girls insta pics to see if he'd like them cos i could still see it, felt a bit crazy doing that, so I've stopped hahaha
i know its a matter of time deep down i really do! I've started to see signs and (even though many people here don't believe in psychics as it kind of clashed with the LOA) I've been to two different psychics, just for fun and without them even knowing i had broken up with someone told me that they would come back that they just needed some time and space to sort themselves out mentally, because they are a bit mixed up about life at the moment. 

but i stll can't help to be a little bit disappointed in the mornings and at night hahaha
its like when i look at my phone in the morning half of me is hoping to see a message and at night when no visible (trying to convince myself that things i can't see are manifesting) manifestations have occurred i do feel a bit disappointed and impatient even though i tell myself "just like a home it has to be built first before you can move in.. this reunion is being built, we just haven't moved in" hahahahah 

scripting is a very good idea though so i will definitely do that more
do you have any affirmations that you find helpful?

thanks for the reply

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2/11/2017 8:30 pm  #9

Re: speeding up manifestation?

I would like to say that there are people who have been suicidal for more than 5 years and still have not killed themselves. They think about death everyday and it has never happened. By dwelling on him blocking you, you don't attract more of him blocking you or add power to it. What you do is attract more of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS about this blocking situation and about him. Naturally, you will attract more negative thoughts that are not even related to the blocking, for example, you may be annoyed about being blocked and start dwelling on it so much, that now you are  thinking about other things in your life that is going wrong. Thats a natural thing but we should remind ourselves that possibilities are endless and it can change. With LOA, when you dwell on being blocked, some may say that you attract more of being blocked, which personally for me, is false because of my experiences with LOA. From what i believe, you will attract more of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS about the person and LOA. You may think loa isn't working for you etc. About the person, you may attract more negative thoughts about him such as, how he may be talking to others, how he is enjoying without you etc.. But you won't attract more of him blocking you unless you take negative actions from these negative beliefs.

So my advice would be that you stay open to all possibilities and not dwell on the negative because then you may naturally take negative actions which will make things worse, its our nature to do that sometimes. With LOA, i suggest you remember all the good things about this person and send love. If you think about how his blocked you, don't think that now he will continually block you because that will just add anxiety in you for no reason. Thoughts don't randomly create within seconds, that would be insane. Thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions create things. When you get thoughts of how he blocked you, simply believe that it can change because first of all, that is a fact and secondly, possibilities are endless, you could get unblocked tomorrow... You never know. Be open to possibilities, send love and just change your thoughts about this situation.

Last edited by AceWay123 (2/11/2017 8:34 pm)

Never give up.
There are different routes to the same destination.

2/11/2017 9:42 pm  #10

Re: speeding up manifestation?

Thank you all for your feedback!

I'm not too bothered about the blocking most of the time, it's mainly more that there hasn't been any visible possible changes but I know that that is just a matter of time
I just have to be patient and consistent with my emotions and visulisations

Good luck to everyone on their journey <3

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