Hello guys!
My question is: how do I attract friends and happy relationships?
I find myself being dependend on others and it is so hard to get away from that.
i always feel like I NEED friendships and I realise I am so needy that I push people away!
How can I stop thinking about the fact that I dont have enough social contacts and that I feel lonely.
I really want to be the person that has good friends and s happy and fulfilled!
How can I allow friendships in?
How can i be at ease?
Be the person that you want to attract in your life.
I have to say I also struggled with that myself. Due to an unhealthy relationship and unhealthy behavior I ended up alienating my closest friends. Trust me it's no fun when you're standing on the edge and no one to call for help.
Much like Suzy mentioned above you have to become the people you want to attract. Time and time again, I notice the underlying solution to all our problems is loving yourself, truly being your own best friend.
You need to start being your own best friend. Depend on yourself. Trust in yourself.
Trust me I was the most neediest person. It was embarrassing.
But I decided I needed to learn to deal with my problems better instead of running to someone as soon as a minor inconvenience happened.
Have some faith in yourself. You are strong.
If you want positive people in your life, become positive.
Try to be outgoing, introduce yourself first, be the person who initiates things.
I was scared of doing those things before but slowly I have started to attract more and more people into my life because of that.
I hope this was helpful. Best of luck!
A few things that have helped me:
1. Pray for a friend, be thankful that you have an awesome friend, and forget about it as you carry on with life. Not two hours after doing this, someone in class started talking to me and not only did he become my friend but he treated a lot nicer than previous friends.
2. Be your own best friend first. Be true to yourself, trust yourself, and follow your own path in life. I know it sounds cliche but the more fulfilled you become just being you, you're bound to meet the right people in time. Plus, it helps release loneliness which is very different from solitude.
3. Think about the qualities you have that make you an attractive person and a good friend, someone others want to be friends with, and live those qualities. For me, I love my city so I get people hooked when I tell them about my city and then they get more hooked when I take an interest in where they're from.
Some other tips...
1. Welcome rejection. Yes, you might be rejected and it's OK. It just means you're getting closer to people who are wonderful friends to have. Just keep the mindset that you're real friends are already there.
2. Don't make "friends" just to fill up FB or your contact list and stay away from people who do that. That's a ticket to loneliness. Treat friends like relationships, be genuine about it, quality and substance, not quantity.
3. If you're in college, join a social group and ask new friends you meet to introduce you to their friends.
4. Be kind to others and respect them. It's really as simple as that. Be that friend you wish you always had.
5. Trust your what your gut tells you, what intuition says. It will help you know who is a good match for you.
6. Be positive yourself, accept yourself for who you are, and you'll meet the right people. Life's too short for petty drama so don't be a drama llama.