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1/22/2017 3:53 am  #1

SIX ex-'lovers/admirers' reached out to me !!

I haven't posted a lot here, I was more active on Lanie's forum but I always followed Veronica's video's /this forum as well. I still want to share with you my progress lately for all the people who still have doubts..I am manifesting things like crazy.. Not only in the area of love but also with my job, travels, friends and finances. I manifest things like crazy now!Β Β In the last THREE weeks I have SIX "exes" (lovers/guys I dated/guys who had a crush on me years ago) reached out to me.. This just can't be a coincidence. They reach out through all different ways (fb/linked in/text messages). It's so funny to experience. So, or all the people who still had doubts: THIS.REALLY.WORKS.!! Even ex-crushes I totally forgot about seem to think about me right now.Β 

The most important of all... My love (my POI) also reached out AFTER 1.5 years apart !! We did have some contact from time to time in the meantime, but I mostly initiated or it was around one of our birthdays. However, conversations were always shortlasting and it was mostly me who did the talking. This time the tables were turned. He reached out 2 weeks after NYE and wished me a happy new year (like wth.. I know right?). I instantly knew there was some alcohol involved so I expected the conversation to end really soon (but I was still positive: I was on his mind and now his barriers are off to reach out to me). Well, the conversation didn't end.. He kept talking, asking questions, making jokes. It felt so natural. I didn't need him to come back or to contact me (although I knew I love him unconditionally and visualized us being together regularly) but it felt soooo good. (Background: we had a relationship for >6 years, my insecurities/depression broke it off, and we both got into another relationship very soon. Although I love my new guy too, it's different with what I had with my POI. The connection between us is from another world, it's ridiculous...still... ) Things aren't going really well between me and my new man (from both sides), so I thought this is exactly how the universe has planned it.. it is happening like.. RIGHT NOW... But then.. out of the blue he stopped messaging me again. Now, I am just heartbroken. I enjoyed our conversation so much that I got dependent from it I guess.. Last week I visualized every day to keep my vibes up..I just don't know what to do at this point. It's so hard to go back to "The universe has my back, he loves me, obviously thinks of me, it will come" after getting a little taste of it.
Yesterday morning, when I got the feeling that he was not going to respond anymore I asked the universe for a sign "If he loves me and we going to be together again give me a BIG sign, not something like initials, something where I instantly know THIS IS IT". (Note: I don't look for signs or ask for signs often because I knew you can manifest your own signs but I got desperate I guess). The sign I received yesterday evening (I wasn't thinking about it anymore, in the afternoon I just thought 'well no sign, so probably not the right path for me') was mindblowing. I was just playing games with my friends, having a good time, and then.. OUR SONG CAME ON THE RADIO. Our song if from TEN YEARS AGO!! I haven't heard in on the radio for years I guess. I didn't even think off this oportunity/song as a sign..Β 

So now I am just confused. I think I need to get some distance again but it's so hard because I feel it's like getting back to square 1..

Any insights?


1/24/2017 1:42 am  #2

Re: SIX ex-'lovers/admirers' reached out to me !!

Sounds like you were doing fine until you started focusing too hard on getting the manifestation you wanted. Noticed that when you let go of the thought of being with your ex-lover he contacted you? That'sΒ basically what you need to do again. Stop focusing on the end result and just enjoy your life. You already asked the universe for what you wanted. It responded now all you have to do is receive. You basically need to be happy if he comes back into your life or if he chooses not to come back. This is the hardest part even for me right now. You have to be okay with contrast.Β 


1/24/2017 3:24 am  #3

Re: SIX ex-'lovers/admirers' reached out to me !!

Thank you for your response Sphony, really appreciate it . I know I need to detach again but it's so difficult, I was finally getting somewhere and then I am back to square 1. My friend are driving me crazy right now with only talking bad about him and that my feelings for him are not real but only "me seeing only the good things".. Sometimes I wonder if maybe that could be it, because I visualise a perfect relationship with him.. But on the other hand, whatever happend I still feel so strongly about him. Thinking about holding him lets my heart race.Β 

Has anybody got experience in their process with manifesting their desire and still being detached even if you are sooo close you could almost taste it?Β 

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