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Don't laugh at this!
My friend wants to try it. She has a thing about a man on the train. She is going to do this, but she thinks she is a bit unattractive because she's put weight on and isn't feeling brilliant, so she is worrying that it won't have as good a reaction if she thinks of herself as a fatty. Does that make sense? I can't answer it, so not sure anyone else can? What do you think?
PrettyFlamingo wrote:
Don't laugh at this!
Well perhaps she can do it and imagine herself as slinky and skinny at the same time and that will kick start a double manifestation!
Is there any indication of interest from the guy on her commute? Like stealing glances , standing near her etc?
I think as long as she loves and accepts herself it is fine for her to do RS - actually I think the loving herself part just makes the RS or RI more potent as you naturally vibe higher when you love yourself...
This is just my opinion but I think she should learn to love herself for who she is first, self-love is so important. I'm not the thinnest of people and I've put weight on over the past 2 years due to medication, poor diet and very little movement but I'm honestly not concerned what other people think of my weight, I've managed to manifest a guy into my life who isn't bothered either, it's all about the love you have for yourself.
PrettyFlamingo wrote:
Don't laugh at this!
My friend wants to try it. She has a thing about a man on the train. She is going to do this, but she thinks she is a bit unattractive because she's put weight on and isn't feeling brilliant, so she is worrying that it won't have as good a reaction if she thinks of herself as a fatty. Does that make sense? I can't answer it, so not sure anyone else can? What do you think?
The first thing that came to my mind after reading the post was that your friend should love herself. Whatever be the physical shape of someone, the feeling of love is the most important. I too have gone through this so I know. The feeling of loving oneself is paramount. If you don't love yourself first, you can't love someone else.
And we have seen couples that may not exactly match the physical personalities of each other but still they are in deep love.
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