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1/20/2017 6:51 pm  #1

Manifesting like crazy!

ย  ย Hello everyone! First of all I just wanted to tell you that you are absolutely beautiful and I hope you have/had an amazing day! ย 

ย ย Since I found Veronica on YouTube in December and started to focus on positives in my life.... I have received so much! Such as so many guys telling me that they have been liking me for a while, one of my ex texted me the things I wanted to receive from my man (lol), school problem took care of itself, relationship with my father got so much better and more!ย 
ย  ย  I think I had so much negativity in my head before I am still going through some tough life situations.(But they are solving themselves out!) One of them almost made me move out of the country. When this happened, I broke no-contact rule. I thought I wanna talk to him for the last time... Surprisingly since then he has been helping me to find the solutions to stay. (It's not like we talk on regular basis yet) Actually he told me he might be able to see me today but he didn't contact me today. (we haven't talked or seen each other since last October) However I know he is really really busy so I'm not mad or anything. I'm sure he will get better at scheduling as we get closer againย ย 
ย  ย  When my life situation occurred, at first I was sad and crying all over the place. However now I know the solution will come and am so thankful this happened. Because I know my man... He would have never contacted me if I didn't initiate, and I had no desire to initiate the text. ( Last time we spoke, I told him he is an awful person and should never speak to me... He is kind of person who would listen to those even though he misses that person haha) So now I know that everything... EVERYTHING that happens around you has reason because universe has the better view of what is going on!

ย  ย  I know he loves me and misses me. I sound so cocky and crazy saying this but I just can feel it. Also sometimes I play games with universe. I ask universe "hey is my man on his way back to my life?" and universe never fails! It shows me signs! Everyday my love for him just grows and I know it's same for him. I just cannot wait to come back here and put "I'm with my man now" as my subject and share my full story! It will happen soon. If you are in tough situation don't focus on it. Don't even question why or how you manifested it. Just focus on goods in your life and you will see all the dots connecting!

Thank you for reading this. Happy manifesting!
ย ย ย 


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