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1/17/2017 2:36 pm  #11

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

This ❀
Something really great happened to me, I am gonna travel with the guy I love and his elder brother finally.
Like only for a day out, but it's actually happening.
My photography course is helping me out here, were going for a photoshoot!

Maybe this short trip turn the table.
Too happy and exited for tomorrow morning.


1/17/2017 3:47 pm  #12

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

Sounds great! Well done and keep going xxx

     Thread Starter

1/17/2017 5:11 pm  #13

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

Meg2222 wrote:

OMG!!! Literally just got home from work.... Honestly didnt think I was gonna see A at all, he never gets my train anymore... I've only ever seen him like once on the train since being with him.

Was walking to the station, sat down and didn't think anything of it. I look up AND HES STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I was gobsmacked and laughed a lot! He was pretending like he hadn't seen me but he literally was right in front of me, I waved in his face and he was so shocked and laughed too! (I personally think he saw me on the train and jumped on quickly...) He sat next to me and we had a quick chat and was saying that it was weird how we both bumped into each other! He must have been thinking of me too! YES ITS WORKING HAHAHA!Β 
I am SO grateful and the whole way home just kept affirming A is in love with me, he is ready and is committed to me and also kept saying thank you thank you thank you thank you over and over haha. I kept smiling I was so happy! What are the odds!! Urgh when I see him I just melt honestly hahaha I am so overjoyed right now!!!Β 

Thank you universe, I can't believe what I am manifesting at the moment. I am definitely on the right track! Thank you!!!!!!!!Β 

Bwahaha, awesome! Good job, girl!

"All of us are God in drag."
- RuPaul

1/18/2017 5:59 am  #14

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

BellaLupa wrote:

Meg2222 wrote:

OMG!!! Literally just got home from work.... Honestly didnt think I was gonna see A at all, he never gets my train anymore... I've only ever seen him like once on the train since being with him.

Was walking to the station, sat down and didn't think anything of it. I look up AND HES STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I was gobsmacked and laughed a lot! He was pretending like he hadn't seen me but he literally was right in front of me, I waved in his face and he was so shocked and laughed too! (I personally think he saw me on the train and jumped on quickly...) He sat next to me and we had a quick chat and was saying that it was weird how we both bumped into each other! He must have been thinking of me too! YES ITS WORKING HAHAHA!Β 
I am SO grateful and the whole way home just kept affirming A is in love with me, he is ready and is committed to me and also kept saying thank you thank you thank you thank you over and over haha. I kept smiling I was so happy! What are the odds!! Urgh when I see him I just melt honestly hahaha I am so overjoyed right now!!!Β 

Thank you universe, I can't believe what I am manifesting at the moment. I am definitely on the right track! Thank you!!!!!!!!Β 

Bwahaha, awesome! Good job, girl!

Thank you! I know it's probably really obviously to people, but I find I panic when my mood is low or I am tired, I start to doubt everything. So this morning I was being quite negative but then I thought, hang on. you're only being like this because you're tired and grumpy! And now I feel okay, I am still trying to affirm in my head and also let go of it all too and leave it to the universe.

I am soo grateful though, this process is actually fun I am enjoying it, and I will be overjoyed when we are in a relationship. ( We already are in my head haha)

Thanks guys for the responses! xx

     Thread Starter

1/18/2017 9:55 am  #15

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

You are doing great.. all the best <3

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.

1/18/2017 10:07 am  #16

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

Scarlet Angel wrote:

You are doing great.. all the best <3

Thank you so much, hope I manifest the relationship soon xx

     Thread Starter

1/18/2017 11:40 am  #17

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

This is going so great.

The Universe is your playground.

1/18/2017 11:41 am  #18

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

I hope I bump into him again tonight haha! That would be so funny!Β 

I have a feeling he is going to be out on Friday whilst i'm celebrating my birthday as well...Hmm lets see what happens!Β 

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1/19/2017 4:31 am  #19

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

So I am starting to understand the concept more, the more I do things for me and my happiness the more it attracts him. The sky looked incredible this morning at sun rise, the clouds were a bright orange red and it just looked amazing over London. Usually I take photo's for him to notice in the hope of him messaging me... (sad i know) But this time I took it out of pure gratitude of seeing this beautiful sight!Β 
And he liked it! I know its only social media but I watched a video today and the way to start believing is to focus on the small manifestations first and it helps your faith grow!Β 

And then I realised, its not about getting his attention and blah blah blah. I don't have to do that anymore, I have his attention and love, its here already. I just have to be happy and do me! And things will fall into place!

I am quite devastated at the moment as I have to put my dog down in a few days, he has mouth cancer and its now affecting him too much, its going to be really hard but it will be the right decision so he isn't suffering anymore. I will be holding him when it happens, he is my best friend and I have grown up with him, he has helped me in times of when I suffered depression badly for many years. He always knows when I am sad and always wants to be by my side. I love him unconditionally Hopefully this feeling sad wont affect my relationship with A.Β 


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1/19/2017 7:46 am  #20

Re: Manifested him to come over AND seeing him on the train!! Waaaaa

So sorry to hear about your dog. Dogs are our family mainly all pets in general because we become attached to them and them to us.  He won't  be in pain any longer and the cancer won't be metastasized to his other organs so you are doing the right thing out of love for him. He will always be with you.   I do not think it will interfere with your manifestation because there are really good vibes there between you too. Take it slow and let the Universe/God bring it to you. Things are going to be okay.


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