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1/13/2017 2:05 pm  #1

Good things happen when you allow it. :)

Just thought I'd start by saying I didn't get the guy back I originally intended to be with. It was too much hassle for me, obstacles are only obstacles if you allow them to be and I couldn't stop allowing that. There was distance between us and all I kept worrying was what would happen if I got him back. I decided to go with "I can have him or someone better" Β approach. Β Why wouldn't you want something better if you had the chance? A friend of a good friend of mine added me on Facebook in 2015, we spoke a bit but contact eventually stopped. He got back in touch again about a month or two ago and we've been speaking daily since. This guy is pretty much identical to my ex, same interests, someone I can talk to about anything without him judging me and all that good stuff. We aren't a couple officially but we're meeting up on the 28th for our mutual friends birthday, we might be watching the Royal Rumble on the 29th and we've got plans to go see a movie together later on too. He lives in the same city as me so we'll be able to see each other more often that I would see my ex if I chose to pursue the long distance relationship I already wanted. I'm quite happy with how this has all played out, I got something better.Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 

1/13/2017 2:13 pm  #2

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

Awesome sauce. Congrats.

The Universe is your playground.

1/13/2017 2:44 pm  #3

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

Happy for you


1/13/2017 2:50 pm  #4

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

Congrats on finding someone who you deserve.


1/13/2017 4:43 pm  #5

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

You're back great post

We recieve exactly what we expect to recieve. - John Holland.Β Β 

1/14/2017 7:50 am  #6

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

That's wonderful, glad you're happy!

Love is all

1/14/2017 10:00 am  #7

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

This is one inspirational happy for you! This is the real success of LOA, the change in our mind, that is ACCEPTING peacefully that WE CAN EITHER HAVE OUR "EX" OR SOMEONE better is a way superior approach and that is what the universe changes in us. I feel this change within us is a proof of LOA when we are READY to get the best the universe can offer instead of sitting and waiting for that phone to ring!!! Everything is in our MIND, the moment that click happens within us, things will start way way bright!!!! Really happy for you that you are so ACCEPTING!!!! Wishing you the best in your life!!!Β 


1/14/2017 5:29 pm  #8

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

tessy wrote:

This is one inspirational happy for you! This is the real success of LOA, the change in our mind, that is ACCEPTING peacefully that WE CAN EITHER HAVE OUR "EX" OR SOMEONE better is a way superior approach and that is what the universe changes in us. I feel this change within us is a proof of LOA when we are READY to get the best the universe can offer instead of sitting and waiting for that phone to ring!!! Everything is in our MIND, the moment that click happens within us, things will start way way bright!!!! Really happy for you that you are so ACCEPTING!!!! Wishing you the best in your life!!!Β 

Do you mean we should give up on our ex


1/14/2017 9:30 pm  #9

Re: Good things happen when you allow it. :)

jenbeckley1992 wrote:

tessy wrote:

This is one inspirational happy for you! This is the real success of LOA, the change in our mind, that is ACCEPTING peacefully that WE CAN EITHER HAVE OUR "EX" OR SOMEONE better is a way superior approach and that is what the universe changes in us. I feel this change within us is a proof of LOA when we are READY to get the best the universe can offer instead of sitting and waiting for that phone to ring!!! Everything is in our MIND, the moment that click happens within us, things will start way way bright!!!! Really happy for you that you are so ACCEPTING!!!! Wishing you the best in your life!!!Β 

Do you mean we should give up on our ex

No, I didn't give up on him I just found it hard focusing on manifest him specifically so I changed my thinking to I could have him or someone better. I've met someone who is similar to my ex and who lives in the same city as me, my ex didn't live near me so it's a lot nicer for me to have someone like him and in the same place. You can manifest absolutely anything you desire, I just made the choice to make things easier for me and change how I thought about the situation. Why wouldn't you want something better knowing you could have whatever you want? What you believe is what you get, either way I'm a lot happier now knowing I have what I wanted in a person.Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 
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