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1/11/2017 10:36 pm  #1

He called...

I'm not sure where to start. I've visited the forum everyday for about two weeks. That's how long I've been watching Veronica's videos. To be honest I've been trying to attract him back for a month before that. I did a lot of soul searching, a lot of praying, a lot of meditating, too much worrying.Β 

I have watched video after video on how to win back your ex and how to use LOA to attract back your love. Now, I can tell you that I am a strong believer. I'm a believer in having complete and utter faith.Β 

Now, I did break the no contact rule. Before I had really started manifesting my desire I had taken the logical route on how to win back my ex. Almost everywhere they suggest 30 days. I went my thirty days and was pretty much an emotional roller coaster. I knew I had to stay positive if I wanted this to work, but there were times it was too hard. I'm a believer that if you want something you must act. I acted. When my thirty days was up, I sent him a letter in the mail. I kept it short, simple, and didn't mention once about how much I missed him or how hurt I had been.Β 

Just today, I knew I was going to blow it if I couldn't keep my vibration up. I knew today was the day that he would be getting the letter in the mail. I knew what time he would be getting home from work and what time he would be reading that note. I knew I was going to overthink it and hold my desire back from becoming reality. I stayed extra late at work to distract myself, got home did more cleaning than I have in the past month, did a load of laundry, and started a yoga video to get my mind off of things.

Ten minutes into my workout, my phone started to ring. My mom had been texting me, so I figured it was just her. I was in no hurry to answer it. I picked it up and as I was sliding it open to answer, I realized it was his caller ID.Β 

I am a classic case of "he wanted nothing to do with me, he blocked me on all social media, would not respond to any of my emails, messages..." the list goes on.Β 

I freaked didn't even answer it the first time. I wanted to compose myself before calling him back. I called and it started off pretty cold on both ends. Then he asked me how I had been. We talked about each other's family. The conversation went on and on and on. We were like old friends catching up on the past six weeks. We talked a little bit about the relationship, but neither of us were really ready to go there.Β 

We're planning on meeting up in a few days. I can't tell you where this is going, but I want you to know that it does work. Keep the faith, take time, make action. My new favorite Bible quote is Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

Sending the letter was part of helping me align. I'm not saying it works best for everyone, but take the time to think before you act.Β 

All I can tell you is that when his number popped up on my phone, my immediate thought was "Thank you, Lord."

I am optimistically cautious about where things will go. I can't tell the future, but I sure can create it. ;)


1/11/2017 11:21 pm  #2

Re: He called...

shopgirl119 wrote:

I'm not sure where to start. I've visited the forum everyday for about two weeks. That's how long I've been watching Veronica's videos. To be honest I've been trying to attract him back for a month before that. I did a lot of soul searching, a lot of praying, a lot of meditating, too much worrying.Β 

I have watched video after video on how to win back your ex and how to use LOA to attract back your love. Now, I can tell you that I am a strong believer. I'm a believer in having complete and utter faith.Β 

Now, I did break the no contact rule. Before I had really started manifesting my desire I had taken the logical route on how to win back my ex. Almost everywhere they suggest 30 days. I went my thirty days and was pretty much an emotional roller coaster. I knew I had to stay positive if I wanted this to work, but there were times it was too hard. I'm a believer that if you want something you must act. I acted. When my thirty days was up, I sent him a letter in the mail. I kept it short, simple, and didn't mention once about how much I missed him or how hurt I had been.Β 

Just today, I knew I was going to blow it if I couldn't keep my vibration up. I knew today was the day that he would be getting the letter in the mail. I knew what time he would be getting home from work and what time he would be reading that note. I knew I was going to overthink it and hold my desire back from becoming reality. I stayed extra late at work to distract myself, got home did more cleaning than I have in the past month, did a load of laundry, and started a yoga video to get my mind off of things.

Ten minutes into my workout, my phone started to ring. My mom had been texting me, so I figured it was just her. I was in no hurry to answer it. I picked it up and as I was sliding it open to answer, I realized it was his caller ID.Β 

I am a classic case of "he wanted nothing to do with me, he blocked me on all social media, would not respond to any of my emails, messages..." the list goes on.Β 

I freaked didn't even answer it the first time. I wanted to compose myself before calling him back. I called and it started off pretty cold on both ends. Then he asked me how I had been. We talked about each other's family. The conversation went on and on and on. We were like old friends catching up on the past six weeks. We talked a little bit about the relationship, but neither of us were really ready to go there.Β 

We're planning on meeting up in a few days. I can't tell you where this is going, but I want you to know that it does work. Keep the faith, take time, make action. My new favorite Bible quote is Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

Sending the letter was part of helping me align. I'm not saying it works best for everyone, but take the time to think before you act.Β 

All I can tell you is that when his number popped up on my phone, my immediate thought was "Thank you, Lord."

I am optimistically cautious about where things will go. I can't tell the future, but I sure can create it. ;)

So happy for you to read this!!! But it's been long time since the message has been put. Let's know about your progress, mate! Hope to hear something positive from you

Feeling hopeful for no reason

1/12/2017 7:14 am  #3

Re: He called...

I am so happy for you. That's so wonderful


1/12/2017 4:41 pm  #4

Re: He called...

Yay so happy for you

We recieve exactly what we expect to recieve. - John Holland.Β Β 

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