Hey everyone, I am feeling so hopeless right now I hope someone reaches out. I feel so lost, alone and scared. My ex, who I love so dearly keeps cheating on me. Its like the story keeps repeating itself with the same people. The only constant that has remained was me because I believed him overtime I see said I was the one, I am the one he loves, I am the person he wants to build a life with. Even people close to him tell me to leave him alone because I don't deserve to be treated like this. The details are so terrible and I am so scared. Someone, please help me. Is there really no such thing as an impossible situation or have I finally met it
I want to believe all these things so bad... so I shouldn't waste my time trying to 'attract him back' then. Am I doomed to fail? I really thought this was the love of my life guys I am so distraught
Having nearly cheated with, and been nearly cheated by, some one, I think it goes deeper than this. There are a thousand reasons people do it, and it largely comes down to personal issues.
As such, decide for yourself--regardless of everything and everyone else--what it is you want. If he's the love of your life, and you are his, go ahead and manifest that relationship: You know you can, and you will if you want it. In the manifestation, put in that he will be faithful, as will you, and that'll help.
Of course, once you reunite, this DEFINITELY needs to be a thing you discuss in-depth, possibly with a third party, perhaps a counselor. There are root causes behind all of this that you will need to address, lest you let the cycle continue.
Blue wrote:
Why are you scared? Because you fell in love with a loser?
Maybe this is just me, but I would never get back with someone who cheated on me. Why? Because I know I'm a goddess, an angel and I know my worth. And if he can't see it, **** it and him (not literally, of course). Cheat on me and you cheat yourself out of my love. In the end, the loser isn't me and the one who lost out isn't me - it's him.
A snake can shed its skin over and over, it'll still be a snake. As harsh as this sounds, he doesn't respect you at all and he obviously doesn't want to build a life with you because look at how he treats you. You deserve someone who isn't going to cheat on you or treat you that way.
But again - maybe this is just my opinion. I don't forgive cheating because it's beyond disgusting and there is NO reason for it at all. EVER. No matter what excuses people spew.
If you truly want this to work, you need to pick yourself up and stop crying over it. You need to research some RS and visualisations and direct it towards him. There is plenty of info on this forum for you to refer to. Good Luck.
This isn't a very positive and helpful post is it? If you know the basics of LOA then whatever you believe you can achieve REGARDLESS of the previous relationship. We are not on here to judge anyone's circumstance let alone allow anyone to feel worse than they already do. It's fine you are a goddess but MiracleMaker can be one swell with time, we all have to start somewhere. Don't know your story, but I'm sure at one point you weren't and people on various forums helped you and gave you advice.
Here is a really great article that I found about cheating and as you read along you'll notice it has less to do with you and more to do with the other person's self-love. We see cheating as a horrible thing because of how it makes the person who it was "committed" against feel. And you feel shitty. Trust is broken. But what do you do when someone can't love themselves. If someone doesn't love themselves, LOVE THEM MORE. It sounds cliche but it really isn't. Forgiveness is extremely powerful, and it helps you grow and see that is isn't your fault and you didn't make this happen. If you decide that you want to do this it is your decision and yours alone. Just remember the basics of LOA and that is to work on yourself. If you do the work and take the steps there is no telling what will happen. But the decision is ultimately up to you. I do not condone it, but it happens and as unfortunate and hurtful as it is, it is a really great growing opportunity.
The universe will always give you signs and manifestations. This manifestation was in alignment with what was happening vibrationally inside you at the time or currently everything matches you. If you were the best version of yourself, you would've been aligned with the best version of him. But that doesn't mean you can't get signs and synchronicites that are positive and help you move in the right direction. Mainly, I think you should take it as you have some growing, maturing and some thought processes that need changing. That isn't hard if you commit to making yourself a better person. Why go back and make your current relationship better? Take the time and start from scratch. And if he is your ex, you guys are broken up-so technically he is just moving on with his life, obviously not in a positive and healthy way. Focus on having him like TheChemist said in a faithful relationship between him and you and make it a promise as well. When we have conditions on our relationships to provide love then is it really love? No it isn't.
well you obviously took that super aggressively and so no sorry I won't pipe down at all. So I guess that's a you problem.
Regardless of her title which also asks for HELP!!!, at the end of the day people that post on the forum are coming from a place where it is a low vibration so like I mentioned lets work together to bring vibration up and give people hope if we are in a place to do so. It is all about alignment. If you feel so opinionated maybe constructively answering her question would have helped her maybe even feel some hope, when she is so clearly looking for a helpful answer.
If some "people are genuinely not meant to serve you in terms of happiness and are instead meant to help you grow" wouldn't you rather discover that from a place where you are the best version of yourself and can see through the fog of whatever issues that are within and have them come to the forefront? The best version of you attracts the best version of others so then and only then would I agree with your opinion. So instead of an impulsive decision, MiracleMaker asked a question but true believers of LOA know that any situation can start new and be completely loving and successful, whether it is right or wrong in the eyes of someone else is completely irrelevant.
Last edited by Alycat1110 (1/11/2017 10:21 pm)
I am not sure if there are enough words to say how thankful I am for this post because this feeling of hopelessness is what brought me to this forum in the first place. I have done all the research on cheating partners and if it were that black and white for me, trust me I wouldn't be here..many of us wouldn't be for that matter because they are all based on the limiting beliefs of what should and would be, though I discount no one's opinion..I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be more selective in what influences I accept moving forward. I want to believe that there are miracles that can defy logic, go against the grain and beat the odds.. I really wanna believe that but then if I'm being 'real' it seems impossible right? I have so much work I wanna do on myself and this goes deeper than just getting him back, I truly believe there is merit in this LOA. Thank you so much once again for your reply. You made bedtime a little easier for me tonight
Blue wrote:
MiracleMaker wrote:
Hey everyone, I am feeling so hopeless right now I hope someone reaches out. I feel so lost, alone and scared. My ex, who I love so dearly keeps cheating on me. Its like the story keeps repeating itself with the same people. The only constant that has remained was me because I believed him overtime I see said I was the one, I am the one he loves, I am the person he wants to build a life with. Even people close to him tell me to leave him alone because I don't deserve to be treated like this. The details are so terrible and I am so scared. Someone, please help me. Is there really no such thing as an impossible situation or have I finally met it
Why are you scared? Because you fell in love with a loser?
Maybe this is just me, but I would never get back with someone who cheated on me. Why? Because I know I'm a goddess, an angel and I know my worth. And if he can't see it, **** it and him (not literally, of course). Cheat on me and you cheat yourself out of my love. In the end, the loser isn't me and the one who lost out isn't me - it's him.
A snake can shed its skin over and over, it'll still be a snake. As harsh as this sounds, he doesn't respect you at all and he obviously doesn't want to build a life with you because look at how he treats you. You deserve someone who isn't going to cheat on you or treat you that way.
But again - maybe this is just my opinion. I don't forgive cheating because it's beyond disgusting and there is NO reason for it at all. EVER. No matter what excuses people spew.
If you truly want this to work, you need to pick yourself up and stop crying over it. You need to research some RS and visualisations and direct it towards him. There is plenty of info on this forum for you to refer to. Good Luck.
Go on YouTube and watch teal swans video about why people cheat.
There is no such thing as an impossible situation, you're not an acception.
Try RS
Tell him in your mind that he will never cheat on you again. Other girls make him feel sick.
Hear him say he only wants you and no other girl can make him as happy as you can !
If he's the one your heart desires, then the feeling is mutual. You would not have the desire to be with him if he didn't want to be with you.
MiracleMaker wrote:
I am not sure if there are enough words to say how thankful I am for this post because this feeling of hopelessness is what brought me to this forum in the first place. I have done all the research on cheating partners and if it were that black and white for me, trust me I wouldn't be here..many of us wouldn't be for that matter because they are all based on the limiting beliefs of what should and would be, though I discount no one's opinion..I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be more selective in what influences I accept moving forward. I want to believe that there are miracles that can defy logic, go against the grain and beat the odds.. I really wanna believe that but then if I'm being 'real' it seems impossible right? I have so much work I wanna do on myself and this goes deeper than just getting him back, I truly believe there is merit in this LOA. Thank you so much once again for your reply. You made bedtime a little easier for me tonight
The beauty of LOA is that we get to really investigate and accept that sometimes even though things may seem black or white, right or wrong that there is ALWAYS another answer- actually infinite answers. Really take this journey and commit and heal yourself. I know the pain you are feeling and I can tell you forgiveness and love is what got my through and whatever you desire will truly be yours. From healing will come a whole new side that maybe you haven't been in touch with in months or years and then who knows what will happen? Just commit to your own happiness and move forward. On the tough days just reaffirm " his is mine, and he is faithful" whatever you need to just feel better. If your sad feel sad, let it pass and then get on with your day. You have the right to live a life that is representative of who you are on the inside. That can mean a lot of different things to different people but when I think about it i'm free. Free from anger, hatred, grudges and allowing people to control my happiness.
jensherratt wrote:
There is no such thing as an impossible situation, you're not an acception.
Try RS
Tell him in your mind that he will never cheat on you again. Other girls make him feel sick.
Hear him say he only wants you and no other girl can make him as happy as you can !
If he's the one your heart desires, then the feeling is mutual. You would not have the desire to be with him if he didn't want to be with you.
I love what you've said about desire. I think if people realize this, it will make it so much easier for them to trust everything.