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1/11/2017 2:00 pm  #1

My vision board helped me so much!

Hey, hope you people are doing fine!

I made a vision board few days back, where me and my guy are happy spending times together loving each other, and few pictures I edited and put with his family as so desperately I wanted to meet them.
But seeing the relationship That was nearly impossible but this really happened.
Even though sharing only physical fun,
i became friends with my guy, and he made me meet his family.
As his elder brother is getting married, he invited me to his place for doing a pre wedding shoot for him, I met his mom dad aunt everyone and spent two days with them.
And his mom and brother were really happy with my work.
And few things really came true from my vision board.

Now I really want him to realise my worth in his life, he is still not seeing me with the eyes of love,
As he is involved with some other girl, may be
But I can feel that he has started caring a little, but always make sures that he says that Surbhi, were just friends.

What do you suggest me todo in my current situation.
And what should I visualise, what should I affairm to win his love for me.


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