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1/09/2017 12:25 pm  #1

Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

I am attracting a celebrity at the minute and this IS the year my manifestation will happen. I KNOW it. I have never been happier in these last few days. It is close because my vibrational state has just soared through the roof. I have never felt happier 

And since then, I have been getting a lot of synchronicities:

First off, I asked the Universe for a clear unmistakable sign - Later the next evening, someone made a fake post as this celebrity on twitter which held the contents of my manifestation and it was then deleted instantly. I see this as foreshadowing 

Secondly, my celeb's star sign is a Leo. I saw a card on Instagram with a giant lion on the front. Above was the Roman numeral XI. Now I had to google that number because I am not good with Roman numerals and turns out it was the number 11. That number is very close to me and is also one if the main signs people notice when manifesting. Just think, that card could have had any number at the top of it, and it was that one number. The number that is linked heavily to LOA. 

Thirdly, I was just browsing Twitter and decided to look at this celeb's profile because he hadn't posted in a while. then as soon as his profile loaded, someone on a nearby TV said his name as like the exact same second it loaded. Again, out of every name in the world, that name had to have been said at that exact second. C'mon, a clear synchronicity. 

I have also been having amazing dreams of my celeb and me. I am just so happy. 

I also asked for the universe show me a rainbow, and I gave it a week to show me this. I saw a rainbow in some form every single day of the week I had set it for it to manifest.

Now irrelevant from my main desire, I have also been manifesting unintentionally. I was reading some Amazon reviews of a book called E Squared by Pam Grout. I then forgot about the book, the next I was watching a YT video where this woman was talking about how she was trying to fix her internet whilst the Wizard Of Oz was on TV. She then went to pack some things for her to leave and found a book and opened it to a random page and that page had a direct quote from the Wizard Of Oz, the film in the background. Then when she held the book up in the video, of course it was E Squared by Pam Grout. I have never heard of this book until I saw it only Amazon and then it pops up in a woman's video I was watching. Again out of every single book in the world on LOA, it was THAT one.

Whilst I was walking home form college with my friend, he was talking about wanting a new TV and asked me if I had a TV in my room. I do. Then the next day when I was in my room, my mum came in and asked if I would like a new TV. What? :literally I was talking about that the day before. That can't be a coincidence that she randomly walked in just to ask that. I haven't even had that TV for long and it is in great condition. Freaky.

Anyway, life is good at the minute. When my manifestation appears in reality, it IS gonna be big. I will of course post my story here as it has been a roller coaster 

Thanks for reading this! 


1/09/2017 12:29 pm  #2

Re: Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

I can't wait to read of your success!!!!!       

The Universe is your playground.

1/09/2017 12:44 pm  #3

Re: Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

Avaelle wrote:

I can't wait to read of your success!!!!!       

Neither can I!  

Thank you I shall post it here first thing!

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1/09/2017 3:08 pm  #4

Re: Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

I'm attracting a celebrity too. To meet them when they are in town next.

The Universe is your playground.

1/09/2017 10:22 pm  #5

Re: Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

ThisIsActing wrote:

I am attracting a celebrity at the minute and this IS the year my manifestation will happen. I KNOW it. I have never been happier in these last few days. It is close because my vibrational state has just soared through the roof. I have never felt happier 

And since then, I have been getting a lot of synchronicities:

First off, I asked the Universe for a clear unmistakable sign - Later the next evening, someone made a fake post as this celebrity on twitter which held the contents of my manifestation and it was then deleted instantly. I see this as foreshadowing 

Secondly, my celeb's star sign is a Leo. I saw a card on Instagram with a giant lion on the front. Above was the Roman numeral XI. Now I had to google that number because I am not good with Roman numerals and turns out it was the number 11. That number is very close to me and is also one if the main signs people notice when manifesting. Just think, that card could have had any number at the top of it, and it was that one number. The number that is linked heavily to LOA. 

Thirdly, I was just browsing Twitter and decided to look at this celeb's profile because he hadn't posted in a while. then as soon as his profile loaded, someone on a nearby TV said his name as like the exact same second it loaded. Again, out of every name in the world, that name had to have been said at that exact second. C'mon, a clear synchronicity. 

I have also been having amazing dreams of my celeb and me. I am just so happy. 

I also asked for the universe show me a rainbow, and I gave it a week to show me this. I saw a rainbow in some form every single day of the week I had set it for it to manifest.

Now irrelevant from my main desire, I have also been manifesting unintentionally. I was reading some Amazon reviews of a book called E Squared by Pam Grout. I then forgot about the book, the next I was watching a YT video where this woman was talking about how she was trying to fix her internet whilst the Wizard Of Oz was on TV. She then went to pack some things for her to leave and found a book and opened it to a random page and that page had a direct quote from the Wizard Of Oz, the film in the background. Then when she held the book up in the video, of course it was E Squared by Pam Grout. I have never heard of this book until I saw it only Amazon and then it pops up in a woman's video I was watching. Again out of every single book in the world on LOA, it was THAT one.

Whilst I was walking home form college with my friend, he was talking about wanting a new TV and asked me if I had a TV in my room. I do. Then the next day when I was in my room, my mum came in and asked if I would like a new TV. What? :literally I was talking about that the day before. That can't be a coincidence that she randomly walked in just to ask that. I haven't even had that TV for long and it is in great condition. Freaky.

Anyway, life is good at the minute. When my manifestation appears in reality, it IS gonna be big. I will of course post my story here as it has been a roller coaster 

Thanks for reading this! 

This is awesome and in no way do I think these things can't happen. Good! Just throw some more light on what you did so it would help us all.

Feeling hopeful for no reason

1/10/2017 3:03 pm  #6

Re: Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

meenboy wrote:

ThisIsActing wrote:

I am attracting a celebrity at the minute and this IS the year my manifestation will happen. I KNOW it. I have never been happier in these last few days. It is close because my vibrational state has just soared through the roof. I have never felt happier 

And since then, I have been getting a lot of synchronicities:

First off, I asked the Universe for a clear unmistakable sign - Later the next evening, someone made a fake post as this celebrity on twitter which held the contents of my manifestation and it was then deleted instantly. I see this as foreshadowing 

Secondly, my celeb's star sign is a Leo. I saw a card on Instagram with a giant lion on the front. Above was the Roman numeral XI. Now I had to google that number because I am not good with Roman numerals and turns out it was the number 11. That number is very close to me and is also one if the main signs people notice when manifesting. Just think, that card could have had any number at the top of it, and it was that one number. The number that is linked heavily to LOA. 

Thirdly, I was just browsing Twitter and decided to look at this celeb's profile because he hadn't posted in a while. then as soon as his profile loaded, someone on a nearby TV said his name as like the exact same second it loaded. Again, out of every name in the world, that name had to have been said at that exact second. C'mon, a clear synchronicity. 

I have also been having amazing dreams of my celeb and me. I am just so happy. 

I also asked for the universe show me a rainbow, and I gave it a week to show me this. I saw a rainbow in some form every single day of the week I had set it for it to manifest.

Now irrelevant from my main desire, I have also been manifesting unintentionally. I was reading some Amazon reviews of a book called E Squared by Pam Grout. I then forgot about the book, the next I was watching a YT video where this woman was talking about how she was trying to fix her internet whilst the Wizard Of Oz was on TV. She then went to pack some things for her to leave and found a book and opened it to a random page and that page had a direct quote from the Wizard Of Oz, the film in the background. Then when she held the book up in the video, of course it was E Squared by Pam Grout. I have never heard of this book until I saw it only Amazon and then it pops up in a woman's video I was watching. Again out of every single book in the world on LOA, it was THAT one.

Whilst I was walking home form college with my friend, he was talking about wanting a new TV and asked me if I had a TV in my room. I do. Then the next day when I was in my room, my mum came in and asked if I would like a new TV. What? :literally I was talking about that the day before. That can't be a coincidence that she randomly walked in just to ask that. I haven't even had that TV for long and it is in great condition. Freaky.

Anyway, life is good at the minute. When my manifestation appears in reality, it IS gonna be big. I will of course post my story here as it has been a roller coaster 

Thanks for reading this! 

This is awesome and in no way do I think these things can't happen. Good! Just throw some more light on what you did so it would help us all.

Well i didnt do a lot apart from KNOW. The moment i saw this celeb, i knee from that moment that this person is somone i will marry and grow old with. I felt electricty run through me wheb i first saw them. This created an unshakable faith that I know me and this celeb will be together.

So it was just feeling good and knowing. I had minir depression before hearing of this celeb and asked for some help, then I saw this person and all these feelings that were so strong i almost cried.

In fact, typing this made me come to another realisation. This celeb has been shoved in my face my whole life and i was oblivious to it. This celeb isnt a mega superstat yet but has at least 7 million followers on Twitter. But back then i was too young to even think of it as anything but now i know why... This person is (i didnt even believe in these till i saw this person) my soul mate. As cliche as that sounds, its true.

Get ready for my success story this year. When my desire happens, it will break Entertainment news.. I feel it.

Last edited by ThisIsActing (1/10/2017 3:04 pm)

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1/11/2017 5:21 pm  #7

Re: Getting some serious signs for my manifestation :)

Just got another massive sign. My celeb declared on Twitter that they are not seeing anyone.

Random and in reply to a fan. Now with 7m followers, seeing that specific quedtion is rare. ;)

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