When it comes to attracting a specific person, many of us still fight their own negative beliefs or aren't able to let go of past hurts. The source of all that is the assumption that we interact with real people that are seperate from us and have their own will and their personal goals. But is there a way to prove that? Can we prove that others are conscious? Well, you may think it's likely, because you are conscious and it would be arrogant to think that you are the only conscious being. But think about the people in your dreams. Do you think they are conscious real beings? Probably not. You think that while you are dreaming, but when you wake up, you know that the whole dream has happened in your consciousness.
So, lets assume for a moment that there are no other people and everything is just happening inside of your consciousness. You are still dreaming, so you can't see it, but you can test it and in my experience it will prove itself to be right.
Think about when you meet a new person. The person has a seemingly random set of traits. Where do those traits come from? You probably didn't make a decision how you want this person to be, simply because you didn't know that you could choose. Therefore, your consciousness picked a set of random qualities you think are more or less likely to encounter in a person. Those traits aren't fixed forever. It's just a random default your consciousness created for that person. But what do you do? You focus on it and by doing so, you reinforce it and create more of it. At some point, you think "it's just the way this person is", but it isn't. It's the way your consciousness created that person. How do you change traits in others? By no longer giving any attention to the unwanted and assuming the wanted quality as active within the person right now!
And how much sense does it make to blame the other person for their past behaviour? None, because you created it. The only thing the other person can do is to act according to what you put out. It can't be any other way.
Makes sense.... So true..!
I enjoyed reading this.Β Β I think it's a great source for people that struggle to let go of past hurts.