Surrender : (This is my key)
I know that we heard the words "letting go" our minds suddenly said, "oh it's gonna be a hard work. Or, how when I let go I didn't have what I want ? " and all kinds of those thoughts. So, I find the other word to make it sound ease and that word is "SURRENDER". But not give up ! When you're in the state of surrender, you will absolutely accepted everything in front of your nose as it is. You didn't resist it because you accepted and allowed it as your current reality and you happy with that. It's a bypass to your subconscious.
The key of SURRENDER :" You totally accept your current reality (What is) as it is and happy with that and not fight againts it to let "What will" flowing in your reality."
I really didnt get it... As in you should accept what the current situation is and go on about your life?
That surrender thing is the success story of superman challenge cherished had posted in the thread... I did not get as to what he said about surrender!!
Accept your current situation, yes, but you don't have to be happy about it. You can't force yourself to feel good about something you don't feel good about. So it's more about letting go of wanting to change, solve, heal, or understand anything about the current situation you don't like. It's letting it be as it is and completely putting your focus elsewhere -- on your desired reality, and remaining in happiness there.
sunny wrote:
Accept your current situation, yes, but you don't have to be happy about it. You can't force yourself to feel good about something you don't feel good about. So it's more about letting go of wanting to change, solve, heal, or understand anything about the current situation you don't like. It's letting it be as it is and completely putting your focus elsewhere -- on your desired reality, and remaining in happiness there.
Got totally..thank you so muchh sunny
Here's how I see it. Accepting things as they are helps you to accept all the feelings you resist. So it's basically a way of helping you accept and release resistance and emotional baggage. I've experienced this myself, when I learned to accept things as they are and really accept and feel my true emotions instead of ignoring them and visualizing my life away (wishing things to be different), I started feeling better now and making peace with the now instead of relying on visualization like a drug to escape. My sense of awareness changed, the "now" was no longer Hell, I found a sense of power and wisdom in myself. With the resistance (fear) released, it's easier to tap into that inner vision or intuition that guides you.