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12/22/2016 9:58 am  #1

Not (exactly) an ex back story..

Small funny story for you..

So I tried Neville Goddard's technique of "recieving a letter" a few weeks ago. For a few nights I kept imagining myself reaching for my phone to see a text from my guy on the app we usually use to talk. The problem is I always  fall asleep before I get a stable picture and feeling in my imagination, and I always manage to reach the point where I see his display picture, and I try to read the text but like I said, I doze off before it's "done".

So I did this for a couple of nights and one morning I was watching a youtube video and scrolling down the comments, and I see his display picture there! It was not his account, but the funny thing is I have NEVER seen that picture aside from his profile on the app. So I googled the picture to see just how popular it is, I got 3 results only! Emperor google gave only 3 results! Still a little confused I brought up the picture casually to a mutual friend and asked her if she had ever seen it elsewhere, she said she never had except for on his display.

I thought it was hilarious that I got what I visualized..that damn picture! It definitely gave me a push in the right direction. I guess I just need to focus. I haven't visualized anything since because..well, I was lazy. Trying to pick up a momentum now!

Happy holidays everyone!!!  (cute)


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