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12/15/2016 8:38 pm  #1

Manifested my dream job next to my love!!!

So, since September, I stared a journal. Divided in 3 dif topics, but specially a job near where I used to live with my love. By Dec, the journal was filled. Last week I received a call from my dream job & guess what? It is in the same town that my love lives. I still a lil in shock, feeling so happy & grateful at the same time! I wanted to text him, but we are not talking since Dec 2... but still, wao! This LoA totally works!! Keep the faith, everything is happening in divine order, in the way that best fits with your life and desires. I also manifested moving near him & my dream job, in January I'll be there for sure. Keep the faith, trust yourself, you are the universe, you create your life!!

Blessings!! πŸ˜˜πŸ’—βœ¨

Last edited by Positivity (12/15/2016 8:39 pm)


12/15/2016 9:03 pm  #2

Re: Manifested my dream job next to my love!!!

Congrats!!! Keep on the good vibe


12/15/2016 9:32 pm  #3

Re: Manifested my dream job next to my love!!!



12/15/2016 9:52 pm  #4

Re: Manifested my dream job next to my love!!!

That's fantastic, congratulations!!


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