Hey guys! This is my first post here! I'm so excited because it's only been about 3 weeks since my ex and I broke up, however he messaged me yesterday, and the message was probably not a very pleasant thing to hear, but like my coach said, "if he's moving on, then why would he message you?? you're in his mind for a reason!"
today the universe sent me a BIG AWESOME SIGN!!! THE UNIVERSE SENT ME SIGN!!!
I'm at a Chinese restaurant and after I ate my meal, I opened up my fortune cookie and the message was....
"Romance is just around the corner."
it's amazing how it's all coming in together! I also suggest you guys do real Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages to improve your relationship!!!!! lots of love to my universal family!
Hey you!Β Welcome! It's great here and I'm sure that you'll love it.Β As you ease in,Β I have a tip for you. Don't call him your "ex". ;-)
i mean i said "ex" as in affirming he's my lover, but I might as well call him that, but then it'd be confusing lol
I've read that book over the summer! I loved it. I think I'll read it again wrote:
Hey guys! This is my first post here! I'm so excited because it's only been about 3 weeks since my ex and I broke up, however he messaged me yesterday, and the message was probably not a very pleasant thing to hear, but like my coach said, "if he's moving on, then why would he message you?? you're in his mind for a reason!"
today the universe sent me a BIG AWESOME SIGN!!! THE UNIVERSE SENT ME SIGN!!!
I'm at a Chinese restaurant and after I ate my meal, I opened up my fortune cookie and the message was....
"Romance is just around the corner."
it's amazing how it's all coming in together! I also suggest you guys do real Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages to improve your relationship!!!!!lots of love to my universal family!
Lucky you
jenbeckley1992 wrote:
Lucky you
There's no luck implied dear Β
just a little update... I've attracted an amazing obvious sign from the universe! I was at work, on the register, getting some change for the customer who bought something for $35 and paid me $35. So I went to get him his change, and so, when I get his $5 change, I grab a $5 bill, but on the bill was my ex's name written in capital letters on the front right side: "DANIEL".
I was so shocked to see that, and I wish I could've taken a picture of it, but it'd be awkward and probably would get in trouble! but later on, I was so happy and wanted to jump to the sky of joy!
and it was Christmas last night, and no contact... I cried earlier yesterday, I miss him so much..... :'(
but I'm so certain that he's coming back that now, I doubt that he isn't lol.
Wow. That sounds cool
Keep your faith !Β