I keep thinling about my lovers girlfriend, i dont even want to its do annoying!! She is like soooo pretty and i am trying to compete with her in my head. Any ideas how i can get out of my head ? I really dont want to think about her anymore
The more you think of her the more you are creating her in his and yours reality. You want to create relationship with him and if you two are together she doesn't exist. So you have to concentrate on you two. When you feel like you can't get rid of her image,try to hink of nothing or concentrate on silence around new lipstick,new shoes,something that makes you feel sexy wearing it, work on your charisma, read interesting books..she isn't your competition. As Aceway mentioned somewhere, she doesn't know what you know ;) (LOA and RS)
Just relax and be the best version of you..eventualy she will disappear in your mind and when you to end up togeter in his too! But you need to be patient and give yourself time so that your subconscious replaces her with you.
Hope that helps
Last edited by Amy (12/07/2016 7:05 am)
It must be so hard seeing that , try to not look at anything to do with him or HER on social media etc, and follow what Amy said it's great advice And if you need help everyone here will support you π
You don't have any special advantage over her because you know about the LOA and RS -- she creates her reality just the same. But, good news is, you don't have to. She cannot create anything in your reality, so everything you are seeing happening is coming from you and therefore can be changed. So don't worry. As said above, only focus on you and him.
Does focusing on her feels good? If not, why would you do that? Go for better feeling thoughts. Use your guidance and follow your emotions.
Heyy, she does not exist and don't try to compete with her.. You are beautiful in your own way... Keep telling yourself that and that's why your lover loves you for who you are... When her thought comes just say okayyy and let it flow.. Don't give it energy... Neither negative nor positive... So just think about your relationship with your lover.... Do visualisation, scripting, RS.... And let it go... It works... No situation is your life... You guys are meant to be together and Trust the process that's what i can say.... Power to youβ€
Thank you so much!! You people actually help me more than my friends do, and i dont even know you guys thanks a lotttttt! I try not to look for a week and then i look again on het social media so i wont do that again, Maybe thats why i am thinking so much about her
Personally I wouldn't look again. It doesn't serve you or your current path. Reminding yourself that she is still there after a week will completely undo everything you worked for. You might feel better or you might feel okay seeing her pic but at the end of the day you are just going back into the current reality.
Sasusaku wrote:
Thank you so much!! You people actually help me more than my friends do, and i dont even know you guys
thanks a lotttttt! I try not to look for a week and then i look again on het social media so i wont do that again, Maybe thats why i am thinking so much about her
I look on his social media. I don't make a big deal over it. I've used the things he shares as the theme of my visuals. If something you see stings you, it is a sign that you need to work on something within you. Perhaps listing out the things that make you an ideal partner so that you've able to look and see what a wonderful person you are and how you don't need to feel anyone is in your way. Yes, some people are pretty. Does it matter much? He's yours, he isn't superficial and he's in love with all of the things that ONLY YOU can offer him.
Sasusaku wrote:
Thank you so much!! You people actually help me more than my friends do, and i dont even know you guys
thanks a lotttttt! I try not to look for a week and then i look again on het social media so i wont do that again, Maybe thats why i am thinking so much about her
I did the sam thing before I started watching Veronica's videos. I at one moment stopped. somewhere deep down I know there is "girlfirend" but I'm mostly not aware of her,she doesn't exist..I see picture of us together and feel loved and confident as I would in a relationshio with him. Try visualise him telling you you are beautiful,hear him saying that and imagine that feeling. With repetition that wil became your dominant thought and confidence will encrase.WHen you two will be together will you look at her pictures? No. Don't get me wrong,I'm not trying to sound mean but let image of her "die" in its own lack of attention ;)
Last edited by Amy (12/07/2016 12:38 pm)