Guys i want to say something,i think when a person lie and he/she is a lier and you completely trust him but he/she is not reliable. I think it's not because of your thoughs. Because he is not just lie to you it's about his you agree?? For example last night i realized that my ex was cheating on me alitte when we were together 2 years ago. But i totally trusted him and i didn't feel bad about our relationship and he was very kind to me too. But when i realized that there is another girl and became angry then he just wanted to me staye with him and said to me i never do that again. Then i trust him COMPLETELY and i didn't doubt about him at all but he did this again and again. Ok i just want to say he is a lier but it's not mean that my thoughs make him lie to me , maybe he treated to me so kind and told me i'm sorry at the first cheating because i feel good about him and us together but whatever his behaviour and his inside doesn't change...i think if you can forgive your ex and love him and want to get him back because you are not heart broken like me and your ex didn't cheated on you and lie to you 1000 again and again.but i really can't trust him if he back to me.
(To be honest i became angry last night because he is with the girl who is not beautiful at all and she just wanted to broke our relationship 1year ago and i deleted all my ex and i photoes on my cellphone)
I really tired about thinking about my ex because i remember his treat with me all the time changed once good and another day awful.
So guys thank you if you answer me.
so I just want to know if i decide that erase him completely and just focuse on myself to be happy .what should i do for attract a amazing relationship with the honest boy and all of specifications that i want in a relationship in future?
or do you think is it possible that he back to me with 100% trustworthy if i don't focuse on him and just focus on happy feeling & happy relationship?Thanks alot
Last edited by Miracle (12/05/2016 3:17 am)
You should do whatever your heart desires. So you have to chose for yourself.
In regards to your love cheating on you. Everything is born from the thoughts we think. Sometimes these thoughts are unconscious and we don't really realize that they've crossed our minds so on the outside we can believe we 100% are in love and trust and all of the good feelings of a loving relationship but deep down you're thinking something else subconsciously and when you put feelings to those thoughts BAM you have a manifestation. It doesn't always have to be conscious creators in fact most people who don't know anything about LOA are unconscious creators.
As Alycat said you don't only create consciously. You have deep rooted beliefs. What do you think about men in general for example? Things like that create in your experience. What do you "know" how men are? And are you sure that you are honest with yourself? It's hard to believe for me that you trusted him fully again after he cheated once.
It's not your fault that he behaved this way (I don't like the word fault), but it's a product of your vibration. So how he behaves towards you lies in your hands. You could manifest him behaving differently, but for that you have to take responsibility. But why do you even want him back, if he treated you this way? Think about that. Are you afraid of never finding another guy or is it really love? And even if it's love, think carefully if it's really worth the effort.
Yes i couldn't trust him completely sanshi.these thoughts that my mom doesn't like that he came back to me and my family don't support me about being with him are bothering me. I think if he back to me but again my family don't support me for marriage ...(maybe it's so wired for you but in this country is very important yet and families are very important for marriege)and that's why we broken up 2month ago.for example my mom telling me "forget about him and live for yourself and don't think about he left you" but she doen't understand that i still love him. Yes i love him i always wanted to be with him. but because of these thoughts...
No actually i had a date with a cool guy one week ago but i told him that i can't contact you anymore. Because i can't forget my ex.i went to psychologist but he just said to me ok forget him he left you and etc. No one know that i cant forget him because they don't know about loa and my heart.thank you dear sanshi and alycat for your help
Sanshi wrote:
As Alycat said you don't only create consciously. You have deep rooted beliefs. What do you think about men in general for example? Things like that create in your experience. What do you "know" how men are? And are you sure that you are honest with yourself? It's hard to believe for me that you trusted him fully again after he cheated once.
It's not your fault that he behaved this way (I don't like the word fault), but it's a product of your vibration. So how he behaves towards you lies in your hands. You could manifest him behaving differently, but for that you have to take responsibility. But why do you even want him back, if he treated you this way? Think about that. Are you afraid of never finding another guy or is it really love? And even if it's love, think carefully if it's really worth the effort.
Last edited by Miracle (12/05/2016 11:55 am)
You are right. I can't really imagine how it is in your country, but I believe that there is always a way to what you want without hurting anybody else. You didn't only attract the behaviour of your guy, you also attract the versions of your family members. If you want them to change, you have to change first. You have to change how you see them and what thoughts you think about them. Everything you know about your family is just a story and it can change.