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10/23/2016 9:55 am  #1


Here are some of my crazy manifestations!
Only some are about the girl, and no we're not together again YET, but I hope this gives you all hope!

I hope this all gives you hope!! And I hope the formatting is right. I copied and pasted it from another forum I post on.

- my girl loves yoga and she has a really unique name. Anyway, i went out of the country for a bit, and on my way back, I was thinking about her on the plane. Anyway, a lady (who is freaking AWESOME!) started talking to me about what she did where she was coming back from. Yup. Yoga. And her name? Same as my girl's. Wow!

- i went to go and buy something at a store, before valentine's day as a gift, for my girls birthday. Anyway, a customer just randomly decided to come up to me and ask, "aww that's so cute. Is that for your girlfriend for valentines day?" And I said "nah, it's for her birthday actually." I had other stuff already for her, guys. I'm not a cheapo;) it was heart shaped. Anyway, she asked, "oh, what day?" And I got this weird sense that she'd have the same birthday... so i told her the day. She said "what?! Wow, that's mine too!"... sweet lady. Anyway, about 10 minutes later, the same thing happened AGAIN. Wtf? It's like the universe is trying to show me synchronicities. Two people just somehow telling their birthdays to me? And they're HER birthday?!

- i told you I went out of the country. When I was at a restaurant there, I heard a song that she showed me a while ago and I came to see it as "our song" and always made me smile and think of her. Dancing in the Moonlight by Toploader (a remake of an older song) (we had another song, but I'll get to that...). So our song played and I was BLOWN. AWAY. Now before this became "our song" in my mind, we used to make out and talk and whatnot to a song by a very unknown Irish musician, Paddy Casey. I was in Mexico... he was never really popular outside of Ireland, let alone "in" ireland. Our song didn't play, BUT one of Paddy's did! Right after Dancing in the Moonlight!! Coincidence?! I think NOT.

- i was at work during my orientation earlier this year. During it, I told myself, "I want to hear Dancing in the Moonlight" again, but HERE. At this store. The store usually played gross music. Anyway, i got discouraged and forgot about it after about a few months because it didn't happen... BUT THEN one day as I was stocking the shelves, i start hearing... "we get it on most every night"... No. No way. Oh my God no way. It wasn't the remake but the original. I was in shock. I fell down onto the floor, felt frozen because I couldn't believe it and just sat there. My manager was a hardass (awesome guy though. Super strict but he loved me and my work ethic, so I use that in a kind way) and he was right near there... i was too blown away to move or to even care that he was around! Then, I heard it AGAIN LATER THAT SHIFT. Wtf??!

- then one day at work, I was humming the song, thinking about it, and again, right around the time I finished the first line in my hum, the original version again came on. Wow.

- things got HORRIBLE and we weren't on speaking terms and Id acted super needy and well, you all know the story... anyway, I asked her if she wanted to grab lunch (early july, Maybe?) and she said okay. I was shocked. She sounded distant when I asked, but **** it. She agreed. (Which is a reason I believe she has some feelings for me still. Even after "all I put her through", as she says, and after how needy I was, she agreed to come and grab lunch with me... even though we were on poor terms. - ANYWAAAAAY, as I was waiting for her, (she loves the movie Home Alone), i sat down and outside near two girls who were talking and i decided to try something. I told myself, "I can get my girl back. I can. Just to prove it to myself, they'll mention the movie Home Alone". What are the odds when they're talking about religion?! Anyway, suddenly, the conversation changes to their favourite Disney movies... literally in a snap of a second after discussing Jesus. And then, out of nowhere, one of the girl chimes in, while they were talking about Disney movies... "oh, I LOVE Home Alone! Like that's my favourite Christmas movie!" What. The. ****?

- after meeting her for lunch things were REALLY getting bad. Anyway, i wrote, "by my birthday, she will contact me and we will be on speaking terms." Sounded impossible, but hey. She knows I wanted to spend my birthday with her, so she texted me, during our huge fight, saying, "hey, so what do you want to do tomorrow?". And just like that, we were back on speaking terms. (Fucked up again, so I'm in NC right now, but... RIIIIGHT?)

- - a few years back when I started to learn about the LoA, i tested it... i wanted to see a brown balloon. Not common colors for balloons. At least not where I live. After a day or two, I went on Facebook on my phone qnd saw a post which showed the heads of characters from the show, "Psych"... attached by strings... so their heads were balloons... and one of the guys in the show is black. Coincidence? This one is a bit more "fluid", so ill leave that up to you, but this brings me to my next one...

- i was at the book store during the previous manifestation. The store has a small coffee shop within it. I was feeling so good after such a manifestation that when I went up to get coffee, i was all like, "let's create!" And told myself in my mind "the barista... her name is Kayla. It IS kayla... i walked up when it was my turn to order, looked at her name and asked, "how do you pronounce your name?" It was spelt weird, but... she said "Kayla" (although it was spelt Caela)

Amazing huh?

Last edited by YesIWILL (10/23/2016 9:56 am)


10/23/2016 2:33 pm  #2


Loving this! These are brilliant manifestations!Β 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It.Β 

10/23/2016 4:54 pm  #3


happyinlove wrote:

i like this. These are great manifestations. Its funny cause while i was reading this i thought i want to see a butterfly today. I pulled up my phone to look at facebook. (even though i have it up on my laptop how lame is that lol) and the first post from 13 mins ago is a kooala and a butterfly. my mind is wanting to rationalize this. lol you seem to accept you have manifested things. Great job!

Thank you!
And thats really awesome!! Congratulations on your manifestation as well!
Thank you!!

And Stacey, thank you so much! i hope my successes inspire people and give them hope

     Thread Starter

12/04/2016 4:22 pm  #4


Hey guys! I just want to bump this, in hopes that it'll give some people hope

     Thread Starter

12/05/2016 1:58 am  #5


Seeing your stories, I would like to share my short success stories too. One day I was just standing by the window at my office looking down the road. Suddenly I saw a Mercedes Benz coming down. As I saw it, I instantly thought how about a BMW just behind it. And I was awestruck to see exactly a BMW riding down just behind it. In another incident, I was driving down the road and visualized a white jaguar from backside passing across me. And as soon as I forgot about it, I saw the exact white coloured jaguar passing by me and trust me I just saw it from back side. Immediately I visualized a Jaguar in Black colour from the front side passing by me. But could not get it out of my head. After 2 hrs, when I finally got it out of my head, BANG!!! I saw a Black Jaguar passing by my side and that too I saw the front side of it. In another incident, I visualized a blue coloured BMW on the road while I was driving. And after an hour, the same coloured BMW appeared before me on the road. And the surprising thing was, within this one hour, I didn't see any BMW at all. So the first BMW that I saw was blue coloured. Regarding my girl, we are close friends. One day, I told her something bad and she got angry on me. She was so pissed off that she thought not to speak to me at all and end our friendship. I was shattered for a while but then immediately I recouped myself and sat and visualized that she would tell me sorry. The next day, I kind of avoided talking to her though she worked in the same office. And BANG!! after an hour, she actually met me and said SORRY for the last day and we can be friends again.

​I believe that LOA works and works tremendously fast. But I need some kind of motivation too, as I am unable to completely remove her current bf from my head. I know the day, I can completely forget about him, he would not be there in my life at all and my manifestation will happen. So if you guys can help me out in forgetting that other guy, I would be highly grateful.



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