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12/04/2016 3:06 pm  #1


....I was switching the channels today and I was looking for Christmas movies and then all of a sudden Serendipity was on television and the exact line that was being said was " it was like the Universe just existed just to bring us together" which is weird because I don't know that I consider Serendipity a Christmas movie. Not to mention the main character's name is the same as my love and spelled the same way too!Β 

I was volunteering today and the song I believe is the wedding song that My Love and I will dance to randomly came on. Also, there was a a teacher at the yoga studio, we aren't really good friends or anything but I asked her if she did anything fun this weekend. She said she had a great weekend because she and her bf got back together and are dating again. Umm I think these are some straight up cool ass synchronicities. Have a great day.Β 

Last edited by Alycat1110 (12/04/2016 3:25 pm)


12/04/2016 3:10 pm  #2


Oh they so are just be careful not to focus on them too much. Keep your focus on what you want and let what is be what is. You don't align with it anymore anyways. Good luck but of course as a manifestor you don't need it ;)

In lak ech. Ancient Mayan for "you are my other me"

12/04/2016 3:11 pm  #3


Oh definitely! I'm getting back to study for my two stupid exams I have this weekend, but it was too coincidental (haha there are no coincidences with LOA) not to post. Blah! Thanks for the reminderΒ 

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