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11/29/2016 12:28 pm  #1

My soulmate

when I came to this forum, I was desperately in love with my ex-boyfriend ( mostly , I was a person who couldn't let go). And I did manifest his good behaviour and I certainly would've manifested the relationship but... maybe, deep down, I knew, it was wrong.Β 
BUT! with LOA! I have manifested my happy life with my soulmate! so, don't give up! have faith! and trust your inner voice not your ego!
a lot of love!


11/29/2016 1:43 pm  #2

Re: My soulmate

Congratulations 😊😊😊


11/29/2016 8:16 pm  #3

Re: My soulmate


"You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made."

11/29/2016 8:53 pm  #4

Re: My soulmate

love this, congrates <3

I thank the universe for everything.

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Veronica Isles LOA coach