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11/27/2016 8:05 pm  #1

Old Success Story

Hi everyone

So, I have an old story from about 8+ years ago when I was in high school. The details of this are a little fuzzy as it happened so long ago, but I always think back to this and realize how even though I had NO idea about LOA, I still manifested my ex back after we broke up. I was dating my first boyfriend for about 6 months and I remember that on this specific day, he was supposed to come over, but told me he couldn't. Obviously he didn't think this through as he went ahead and hung out with a group of people (2 of them being my friends at the time) at a park after school instead. I don't quite remember all of the details, but other things happened and I remember one of my friends that was with them told me he was there and what he was doing. Anyway, I ended up calling him and I remember him being extremely rude to me over the phone. Later on that night, he came online on MSN messenger (I don't know if you guys remember MSN hahaha). We argued and we ended up breaking up. I was devastated. I cried for a week straight and felt HORRIBLE. There was one specific thing my mom told me that I still remember to this day. It was the one thing that helped me feel a little better about it all. She told me if I love him to set him free and that if he comes back he is mine and always was. Well, little did I know, I guess that was essentially "letting go" in LOA terms lol.

It wasn't easy and we went to the same school, so seeing him in the hallways and at lunch hour was really awkward and not fun whatsoever, but about a month later, school was done and it was finally summer vacation! Friends of mine invited me to hang out and when I arrived to meet up with them I saw that my ex was there. We had mutual friends and so he arranged for all of this to happen. I remember not really wanting to see him, but didn't say anything. We all hung out that day and when it was time for me to go home, my ex pulled me aside to talk to me and tell me how much he missed me and wanted to get back together, etc. I told him I wasn't sure about it.

I went home that night and spoke about it with my mom and she told me to think about it and that sometimes people deserve a second chance. I remember logging onto MSN that night and he sent me a love song telling me that it reminded him of me. A few days later, he came to my house with flowers and asked me to be his girlfriend again. I said yes and we dated for 4 years.

I like to think back to this time as I am currently manifesting my love back (not the same guy) and if I manifested someone back before, then I can manifest again, no problem. It was really the *letting go* that made it happen, but have been struggling with that. Let's discuss some tips of letting go!

I hope this old success story encourages you in any way!Β 


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