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11/27/2016 11:00 am  #11

Re: It was always about you.

Received wrote:

That's what I thought you were supposed to do?... ignore the current reality and change the channel to the reality that you want?..confused

Yes, that is what you're supposed to do. But sometimes people don't really understand what that means. They still want to change, solve, heal, or understand something about their current reality. And doing any of these things with the current reality is called resistance, and all it does is give you more of what you don't want. It's better to just let it be there, meaning don't think about it anymore. Don't talk about it anymore. Don't worry about it anymore. It belongs, because every possible reality belongs. Stop giving it any sort of energy and only concentrate on what you do want.


11/27/2016 11:26 am  #12

Re: It was always about you.

I got it thank you!


11/27/2016 4:05 pm  #13

Re: It was always about you.

For me when I came across 'what you focus on or give your attention to explands'Β  was what really did it for me, among many other realisations along the way.Β  But it makes sense for me in relation to LoA and the whole 'allowing a different reality' to line up.Β  So, by 'seeing' and 'feeling' the preferred reality, it becomes so because we are giving our attention/energy to it.Β 

And having read over Bashar's writings there.Β  I like my own analogy of having a wardrobe of clothes and sifting through all the 'outfits' hanging up.Β  You simply select an outfit you like because of its detail/colour to your own particular taste, and then you 'try it on'Β  (this would be the act of imagination in which you use all your senses to explore it) and then you give attention to how it makes you feel now, (because it has to feel good to you in order for you to be happy with your choice), the feeling of it consolidates it as a preferred choice or 'reality' for you.Β  And so, if you like the 'outfit' you continue to wear it and it becomes a nice fit for you because it just feels 'right'.Β  In the wearing of the outfit you come to like it more and more and it just feels more comfortable as you attune to the frequency of it.Β  You and the outfit become one.Β  And then when you feel the outfit becomes outdated you go and select something 'new' and refreshing as you grow in consciousness.

Love is all

11/27/2016 4:15 pm  #14

Re: It was always about you.

I LOVE this clothes analogy - firstly because I love analogies, secondly because it's spot on and thirdly because every morning I look at my clothes and I ask myself how I want to vibe for the day...

I LOVE bright colors - I pick up an item or two and hold it to me and decide if the vibration I associate with the color at the moment is working for me to bring me to my best place.

And I choose whichever one feels right at the moment.

The colors themslves don't have fixed meanings to me - as they're all beautiful and all always vibrating

So some days - pink feels right and good - other days yellow wins

It's not about the object itself - it's about the vibration I am in and what I choose to project onto the item

I simply choose whatever and whichever feels best to me at the moment

If it doesn't feel good, I don't hate it - I obviously chose it/bought it in the first place

I just move up the scale to what feels best

It's a nice morning ritual/exercise that reminds me to keep up the practice in doing the same with my thoughts and feelings


11/27/2016 4:25 pm  #15

Re: It was always about you.

Loved your previous post Mave and the link to Bashar is fantastic, just reading through it the now!

Aww, glad you liked the clothes analogy and it was lovely what you added to it!Β  I like the idea of seeing our preferred reality as an outfit, think how easy it is to simply select the clothes we want to wear and just get dressed.Β  That's really how it can be for our new reality, simply choose, see it , feel it and then relax in the feeling of it being so.

Love is all

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