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11/21/2016 1:04 pm  #11

Re: Success!!!

That sounds great gives me encouragement  

She believed she could, so she did.

11/21/2016 1:28 pm  #12

Re: Success!!!

Wowwww congratulations i am so happy for youπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒβ€

"You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made."

11/22/2016 1:13 am  #13

Re: Success!!!

That is so awesome! long did it take you?


11/24/2016 12:37 am  #14

Re: Success!!!

OMG...congratulations! That is awesome! Thank you for posting your result here and giving all of us hope and keeping us on track.


11/24/2016 12:49 am  #15

Re: Success!!!

Wonderful!!!! Keep the spirits high!!!


11/24/2016 9:55 am  #16

Re: Success!!!

This has really encouraged me! Thank you so much! 

How did you handle your insecurities in the process of getting him back??


11/24/2016 12:46 pm  #17

Re: Success!!!

I use a lot of affirmations and meditation! When I am feeling low I affirm that he is in love with me and how crazy he is about me. He has even started showing signs of jealousy lately which is cute because it isn't extreme. I just know that he doesn't want to lose me I am far from perfect but every day gets so much better. Thanks to all the wonderful people on this forum!!!

"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."
     β€’Thread Starter

11/25/2016 12:05 pm  #18

Re: Success!!!

That's so great, I really am happy for you. Because every time something happens or I start thinking negatively I just affirm now "c is madly in love with me, c is deeply in love with me". Will this eventually change the dynamics of our relationship? I've noticed he contacts me all the time but not in a way that I want. So instead of be disappointed I just affirm how much he is in love with me and stay positive! Is this the right thing I'm doing?


11/25/2016 12:18 pm  #19

Re: Success!!!

Yes. Know without a doubt he is already yours. Live in that reality. Feel the things you would feel if he was yours at this moment. That will draw him to you. And be thankful for everything. He is contacting you. That is amazing!!! Most people would love if they could get that much!!!

"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."
     β€’Thread Starter

11/25/2016 7:52 pm  #20

Re: Success!!!

Congratulations, what did you do during this proces? you work in yourself? 


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