I visualize/daydream like crazy and lately I keep picking up my phone to text him something funny or want to start a conversation about something and I completely forget that we're not on speaking terms right now, it doesn't really make me sad because I know that we will be back together soon and that everything i'm asking for will appear in it's own perfect time but, is there a difference between straight up denial and acting as if? And if I feel this way am I doing everything right?
I think you are doing everything right. You said you do not feel lack and you sound very positive so that's good
There is a difference between denial and acting as if. Denial to me is that you don't believe in yourself, in the power of the Universe and that love is the way that we live our lives and from there positive things happen. I think denial is a negative place to be. Acting as if, is that you live your life with positive expectation that your desire will manifest and you move out of the way without resistance or doubt. The way I see it is that from one of these places you will manifest and the other you will only bring yourself unhappiness.