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11/24/2016 8:30 am  #1

Manifested a baby!

Today I manifested a baby
My good friend’s due date is tomorrow but she’d been saying the past week how she just wanted her baby girl to come as she was tired of waiting, was sore and couldn’t wait to hold her in her arms.  While I was messaging her last weekend telling her I’d been sending out a few positive thoughts about baby coming soon the day Thursday popped into my head.  I said to her oh she’s coming on Thursday, it’s just come into my head while I’m typing this to you.  Over the following few days I sent out another few positive thoughts about her coming on Thursday.  Guess what happened this morning…..yes it’s THURSDAY and yes her waters broke, no baby as yet but she’s coming My desire has manifested as I had NO RESISTANCE to this.  My friend has supported me so much these past few months with what happened with my man and has been a massive support in believing in me and keeping me on the right track with my positivity etc.
This is my FIRST manifestation and for it to happen so quickly after asking for it has been a light bulb moment and made me realise I obviously have resistance still to my main desire manifesting.  My main desire the one I’ve been working on for the past 6/7 weeks is reconciling with my man.  I’ve been doing so much pw/bwd, cutting the cord and various others, like working on myself, taking responsibility for my thoughts projecting on to him, forgiving myself and loads of other stuff that I’ve learnt from Lanie and you guys on here.  BUT there is obviously still some resistance……could it be me doing too much and not letting go enough? I think about him a lot and mostly positive thoughts and act and think that he is here now, we are in a loving committed relationship etc.  Do I need to stop thinking about him as much, looking at pictures etc and let go more? I don’t do this negatively it’s always positive.

I also think part of my problem was that I didn't fully trust that LoA was real or that it was possible to attract a specific person, Sanshi pointed this out to me and i'm grateful that she did, I started working on my beliefs etc and today has given me exactly what I needed to 100% trust and believe, sometimes all we need is a little something to see the bigger picture!
Any pointers/comments are welcome


11/24/2016 11:38 am  #2

Re: Manifested a baby!

Congrats on the manifestation! 

In my opinion, your manifestation for you guy is the exact same way as this amazing miracle came to be. No resistance and just pure belief. That's it. You got this! 


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Veronica Isles LOA coach