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11/21/2016 7:33 pm  #1

Manifested medicine and some extra money

Although I have been going through a severe breakup, I did manage to manifest my medicine and some extra money this week. I had just changed jobs and did not have healthcare. I applied for MediCal and got it. Well today, I talked to Member Services and they said I was approved. My medicine is $14000 dollars a month for Chrons. I was feeling so ill I could not get out of bed. I went to Kaiser and got my medicine today for the month. Thank you Universe! I also did not have much cash left to live on for the week and I went to sell my 2 old Iphones and got $100. My payday is Wednesday, so I am happy. To some that might not seem like alot but for me it was a god send. I am so grateful.


11/21/2016 8:34 pm  #2

Re: Manifested medicine and some extra money

effigy69 wrote:

Although I have been going through a severe breakup, I did manage to manifest my medicine and some extra money this week. I had just changed jobs and did not have healthcare. I applied for MediCal and got it. Well today, I talked to Member Services and they said I was approved. My medicine is $14000 dollars a month for Chrons. I was feeling so ill I could not get out of bed. I went to Kaiser and got my medicine today for the month. Thank you Universe! I also did not have much cash left to live on for the week and I went to sell my 2 old Iphones and got $100. My payday is Wednesday, so I am happy. To some that might not seem like alot but for me it was a god send. I am so grateful.

I am so happy for you. I am so grateful that I read your story today because at the end of the day while some of us are here to get our SP or ex, we forget that there are so many other things that we have to be grateful for I know I did and then one day it clicked. Keep your head up!


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