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11/21/2016 10:52 am  #1

Having positive dreams with my love!

Suddenly, these couple of days I've been dreaming with my love wanting the relationship back. He even begged me to get back together. In the dream he didn't want to let go of me, I felt his vibes and they were totally full of love, of him realizing what he did wrong and trying not to lose me. Is funny because the dreams that I had before were about him pushing me away and now the scenario change completely. I think letting go helps, because you let go of the bad memories, you let go of the overthinking, you let go of the social media stalking and you are fresh. From that point you can create better, because you are no longer attached or worried about what is going on with hes life and for me it works better when Im not focus on what he is doing. I guess these dreams are a sing. What do you guys think about these positive dreams? In my astral dreaming world is already happening. I'm glad it did, because today my vibration is hiiiiiiigh. πŸ’œπŸ™πŸΌ


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