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11/18/2016 4:52 pm  #11

Re: Scripting

Yes!!! I love scripting. I can really get into it. Even if it kinda feels like it's not real at first the more I write on that paper the more I get into it and start feeling all of those things. I think I like it more than visualizing. It really makes the feelings come out for me!!!!

"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."

11/18/2016 7:45 pm  #12

Re: Scripting

I like doing "fake" texting as a way to script.

It's scripting a story and it's real time - puts me in the present state - and most of the time the conversations feel soooo real - well, because they are!!! ;)


11/18/2016 7:49 pm  #13

Re: Scripting

mave wrote:

I like doing "fake" texting as a way to script.

It's scripting a story and it's real time - puts me in the present state - and most of the time the conversations feel soooo real - well, because they are!!! ;)

Interesting, I might have to borrow this idea. 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It. 

11/18/2016 8:21 pm  #14

Re: Scripting

I love scripting! At first I didn't see the effect of it but the more I kept up with it the more my brain started to believe it was real and I found scripting helped with visualising more.
I stopped for a little while and ended up going back a step but will definitely get back into it again since it felt so good. Will definitely have to make time for it again! I like to script the same events a few times too.  

I thank the universe for everything.

11/18/2016 8:38 pm  #15

Re: Scripting

Staceylouuu91x wrote:

mave wrote:

I like doing "fake" texting as a way to script.

It's scripting a story and it's real time - puts me in the present state - and most of the time the conversations feel soooo real - well, because they are!!! ;)

Interesting, I might have to borrow this idea. 

I found this app for iPhone - don't know if that's what you have - or if they have it for other smartphones - but it's a play on "WhatsApp" - which IS how me andMY LOVE communicate ;) - it's called "WhatsFake" lol lol - little fonthey know IT'S REAL!!!

anyway - for what it's worth - it keeps it "real" and present and in "real" time - and it feels really "real" - because it is!

To me, for me, it's like prepping for an interview, a speech, an exam, a paper, etc

The more you practice, the better you get

And the more you put your attention on something and the more it feels and is natural to you, the more you draw it into your "reality" - which - by the way - it's already "real" the moment YOU EXPERIENCE IT in your mind, soul, being, imagination

People tend to think it's "real" when they experience it "outside" themselves by perceiving it with the five senses

But the experience of the 5 senses begins with the experience of the 6th sense....



11/18/2016 8:43 pm  #16

Re: Scripting

mave wrote:

Staceylouuu91x wrote:

mave wrote:

I like doing "fake" texting as a way to script.

It's scripting a story and it's real time - puts me in the present state - and most of the time the conversations feel soooo real - well, because they are!!! ;)

Interesting, I might have to borrow this idea. 

I found this app for iPhone - don't know if that's what you have - or if they have it for other smartphones - but it's a play on "WhatsApp" - which IS how me andMY LOVE communicate ;) - it's called "WhatsFake" lol lol - little fonthey know IT'S REAL!!!

anyway - for what it's worth - it keeps it "real" and present and in "real" time - and it feels really "real" - because it is!

To me, for me, it's like prepping for an interview, a speech, an exam, a paper, etc

The more you practice, the better you get

And the more you put your attention on something and the more it feels and is natural to you, the more you draw it into your "reality" - which - by the way - it's already "real" the moment YOU EXPERIENCE IT in your mind, soul, being, imagination

People tend to think it's "real" when they experience it "outside" themselves by perceiving it with the five senses

But the experience of the 5 senses begins with the experience of the 6th sense....


I have an iPhone so I'll check this out! Thank you so much! I really needed a boost! 

It Is Not What Happens To You, It Is How You Respond To It. 

11/18/2016 8:47 pm  #17

Re: Scripting

Happy to pass it along and hope it's helpful 😊


11/20/2016 9:23 pm  #18

Re: Scripting

You guys are the best. Scripting has really kept my energy elevated, and I'm in love with the whole process.

Something cool happened with it, too. In my  spare time, I like to write short stories. The scripting actually led me to pen an entire new short story this weekend. It's like a big script, going for several pages, and it feels great every time I edit and re-read it.

Keep up the good work, everyone!

     β€’Thread Starter

2/05/2017 8:52 am  #19

Re: Scripting

Little Red Robin wrote:

Just wanted to add that I was looking for a movie to watch tonight and I found this one just after reading the posts here.  It sounds a fun watch!  Here is the description, the film is called 'ruby sparks'

Calvin is a genius novelist who begins to type a new novel on his manual typewriter about Ruby, his dream girl. He can't believe his eyes, because the next day, Ruby becomes a real person, and they begin to have a beautiful relationship together. If the relationship isn't perfect, all Calvin has to do is simply type the words on the page and Ruby's actions change to what he needs.

I watched that this morning.  It's excellent!

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

2/07/2017 11:25 pm  #20

Re: Scripting

Hey Everyone! Great to hear success stories Gives me hope. 

I did a couple of scripting exercises - where I am writing about an event supposedly happening on a future date. for e.g. March 2017 but write in present tense - basically describe the day i spent with my bf. Is that ok? 
Also, has anybody tried scripting exercise for manifesting texts? 


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